eucalyptus_spearmint ago

While i don't like the new push toward gender neutrality at ALL, the dolls themselves just look like ordinary dolls. They are more reflective of casual wear for girls than the fantasy or evening wear of past decades.

They are imho just boring dolls. I can even say they look gender neutral, because their faces are decidedly feminine to me.

plancktonne ago

We've come full circle. In the way old days, dolls' bodies were shockingly genderless and it was automatically assumed all dolls were girl dolls, because of their hair, plus the fact that there were no boy dolls 'cause boys didn't play with dolls. It wasn't until "action figures" came along that it was OK to have boy dolls and for boys to play with them.

The very few anatomically correct dolls, equipped with genitalia, were met with outrage and cries of Sodomy, Gomorrahry and threats to cast manufacturers into hellfire. Now in 2019 people are filled with outrage over genderless dolls. Would they approve of dolls with the correct gender info attached?

That_VoiceOver_Guy ago

There always has been a "gender neutral" in the Barbie world. When I was a kid, we called it, Ken.