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letsdothis3 ago

The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Partial Timeline (+links) -

A Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) is a major change in the nature of warfare brought about by the innovative application of new technologies which, combined with dramatic changes in military doctrine and operational and organisational concepts, fundamentally alters the character and conduct of military operations.” – Andrew Marshall

1946 : The RAND Corporation is founded.

1949: Andrew Marshall continues his work on game theory by taking a position at RAND Corporation. He eventually becomes close to Herman Kahn, James Schlesinger, and Albert Wohlstetter...

1971 : Futurists Ted Newland and Pierre Wack begin deploying the scenario forecasting designed by Herman Kahn at RAND and the Hudson Institute at Royal Dutch Shell’s Group Planning Office.


Pierre Wack retires from Royal Dutch Shell’s Planning Group, his place taken by Peter Schwartz. [For more on Peter Schwartz, see “The SAGE Speaks of What He Sees: War Games and the New Spirit of Capitalism”]

1984 : The Santa Fe Institute is founded to examine the relationship between disparate topics such as biology, computer engineering, artificial intelligence, and economics to complexity theory. Kenneth Arrow, formerly of RAND and the Cowles Commission, is a member.

1987 : Peter Schwartz, building on the tactics devised by Herman Kahn and those used at the Royal Dutch Shell Planning Group, co-founds the Global Business Network – an“information hunting and gathering” consulting company for large corporations. Among those closely affiliated with the Global Business Network is Kevin Kelly, a developer for the Whole World ‘Lectronic Link and writer and editor for Wired magazine...

1999 - The Swarm Development Group is launched by members of the Santa Fe Institute. It received heavy funding from the Department of Defense’s Joint Warfare Analysis Center.

So what is the Santa Fe Institute?

In was founded in 1984 by a group of scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, but the leading luminaries of the organization have included the economist Kenneth Arrow, the innovator of the field of artificial life, Chris Langston, and the theoretical biologist Stuart Kauffman. Kauffman is an intriguing character, having been brought into the world of artificial intelligence research at MIT by Warren McCullouch, one of the earliest cyberneticians in the hey-day of the Macy Conferences and MIT’s relationship to the military-industrial complex during World War 2. Philip Mirowski has observed that the language of finance at times underscores Kauffman’s approach to adaptability in biological systems..

letsdothis3 ago

Santa Fe founded in 1984 by a group of scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory,..

From Digging deeper into Keith Raniere's "Global Technologies Inc" reveals truly global links and maybe, government agencies connections. This needs more eyes...

Global Technologies Inc is a privately held company in Idaho Falls, ID and is a Headquarters business....President: Francis Tsang..

According to his resume he was at the Idaho National Engineering Lab (1974-1995), then President of GTI ID (1995-2007), Principal Scientist at NSTec (Remote Sensing Lab, Las Vegas) from (2008-2012), Global Medial Isotope Systems CTO (Las Vegas) presently..

NSTec manages operations at the NTS and its related facilities and laboratories. Besides the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office, NSTec partners with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories on many projects. NSTec also works on projects for other federal agencies such as the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, NASA, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy.

More than half of NSTec's employees work in the Las Vegas area or at the nearby Nevada Test Site. The company has satellite offices in Livermore, California (Livermore Operations) and Los Alamos, New Mexico (Los Alamos Operations) as well as the Special Technologies Laboratory in Santa Barbara, California. NSTec also operates the Remote Sensing Laboratory in Nevada and its sister group located near Washington, D.C.

Los Alamos National Laboratory is known to have deep underground laboratories. Some miles deep.

LANL is a U.S. owned Department of Energy National Laboratory. For years the town dwellers referred to it as the "secret city." Also known as Project Y.

Los Alamos was selected as the top secret location for bomb design in late 1942, and officially commissioned the next year. At the time it was known as Project Y, one of a series of laboratories located across the United States given letter names to maintain their secrecy. Los Alamos was the center for design and overall coordination, while the other labs, today known as Oak Ridge and Hanford, concentrated on the production of uranium and plutonium bomb fuels. Los Alamos was the heart of the project, collecting together some of the world's most famous scientists, among them numerous Nobel Prize winners. The site was known variously as Project Y, Los Alamos Laboratory, and Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory through this period.

As of 2017, the Los Alamos National Laboratory is using data and algorithms to possibly protect public health by tracking the growth of infectious diseases. Digital epidemiologists at the lab's Information Systems and Modeling group are using clinical surveillance data, Google search queries, census data, Wikipedia, and even tweets to create a system that could predict epidemics. The team is using data from Brazil as its model; Brazil was notably threatened by the Zika virus as it prepared to host the Summer Olympics in 2016

That's where Santa Fe Institute comes in..

43770 ago

the one thing that stands out with your research (exceptional), is that we are mostly identifying both contingents, good and bad. speculating that each group is aware of the other, and each group has been working on private black op projects in order to stymie the other.

is that unreasonable to consider? there is too much that appears to be "bad actors" which really just does not make sense considering there are small wins from time to time. even if people say well they sacrifice their own. if you have two highly trained groups of warriors, and we know it has always been a silent war, laymen researchers are most likely identifying both groups with research.

in some cases exposing positions for the worse, and in other cases exposing positions for the betterment.

i speculate but it is a reasonable speculation.

letsdothis3 ago

is that unreasonable to consider?

Not unreasonable at all. I think about that often. But what I do sometimes is simply record things that I find in order to build up my own database of connections to search for patterns afterwards. I'm aware that many people are innocent or unaware of what they may be a part of..

another user on voat has shown decent proof that there is an AI running loose

If you have a link to any of that I would be very interested as I have a bit of an AI background myself..

Thank you for a very thought ful comment.

fogdryer ago

I believe it was Q, don't quote me, said that Zuck is going down. Soros threw him under the bus. Soros has accomplished what he needed and now its time to disconnect. Zuck isn't smart enough to maintain himself/financially etc. He will go broke......eeeks