kraz777 ago

Khazar shill.

letsdothis3 ago

In this video towards the end he mentions Camp Navajo and says he thinks it's possible they may have been involved. He has some knowledge of Camp Navajo via his interview with Debbie Davis ; AZ National Guard Whistleblower Exposes Child Sex Trafficking!

She says that the McCain Institute was involved with human trafficking and using the Arizona National Guard to launder the money. mentions Keith Ellison, Senator John Thune ...

kazza64 ago

camp navajo is directly across the road from where kappy is supposed to have suicided himself

letsdothis3 ago


letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent

think- ago

Thanks. I think it would be worthwile to post the video you linked to here on v/pizzagatewhatever as well.

ISlooshyYou ago

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