maurice ago

SB277 Section 1. 120325 (e) Incentives to public health authorities to design innovative and creative programs that will promote and achieve full and timely immunization of children.


See those two words "innovative and creative" and also who is given authority ="public health authorities"

Parents should always question the credentials of the public health authorities. These are the policy makers given responsibility to enact this law. They are given permission to write new legislation, which will be trusted by law makers, in turn who will vote any new changes.

Parents only real way to fight back at this, is to call these peoples credibility into question on any and every change related to this law.

NOW, "to design innovative and creative programs that will promote and achieve full and timely immunization of children." This is where the money comes in. Pharma, biotech subsidiaries, etc. CPS, local 501c groups to promote whatever "innovative and creative program".

This is the backdoor law, which will have a few new ones layered onto it, to allow government groups, such as CPS to be given legal access into homes of children between the ages of birth to around 12(grade 7). This is where "innovative and creative" come into play. Teaching your kids what, how, when, where, etc......the government expects of good, productive, mindless, obedient servants.

IF your child does not meet such standards(soon to be enacted), the government of California has now given itself legal rights to remove your child from the home, under the pretense that the child isn't being given said vaccines(the list of necessary vaccines, can change without public notification{this is where CPS will utilize this law in homes}).

This will all be carried out under peoples noses. Usually starting with the poorest people, which tend to be uneducated as to their own rights. The layered effect of laws will be seen when California writes anything to compliment this law, such as parents mental health, children's mental wellness, etc.

Keep in mind, most laws of this nature(removing constitutional rights or altering them to a point they become useless) tends to start in California. Then are passed on a federal level within 3-10 years.

fogdryer ago

fogdryer ago

letsdothis3 -----

David Benioff (/ˈbɛniɒf/; born David Friedman /ˈfriːdmən/; September 25, 1970) is an American screenwriter, television producer and writer, and novelist. He is the co-creator and showrunner of the widely acclaimed award-winning HBO series Game of Thrones. He is the son of Barbara (Benioff) and Stephen Friedman, who is a former head of Goldman Sachs. He is a distant cousin of Marc Benioff. Marc Russell Benioff is the founder, chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce, an enterprise cloud computing company. Benioff is a Chairman of Foundation which was established in 2000 as a public charity.[38] He created the 1-1-1 model of integrated corporate philanthropy, by which companies contribute 1 percent of equity, 1 percent of employee hours and 1 percent of product back to the communities it serves.[39] Parts of this 1-1-1 model have been adopted by more than 700 companies,[40] including Google. In 2018 and United Way created Philanthropy Cloud, a global platform that connects employees, customers and partners with charities and gives them ability to streamline philanthropic investments and real-time reporting. LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE: Tom Steyer, The Man Behind The $20 Million Dollar Trump Impeachment Ad Campaign, Emailing Podesta About "Walnut Sauce". Calls Podesta "True Master Of Cuisine". Tom Steyer's brother is James (Jim) Steyer: CEO and Founder Common Sense Media, National Children's Policy Expert and Media Entrepreneur with lots of connections to the Clintons His Common Sense Media organisation works in partnership with - which I think is a CIA organisation And they are closely connected to the whole Polaris, NCMEC child tracking system : The Polaris Project: Technologies and Statistics by State Polaris uses Chatter , a Salesforce product, to connect workers, files, data and resources across distances. Chatter tracks critical projects in the mobile feed and allows Polaris workers to act on critical updates wherever they are. Salesforce, was founded by Oracle's Marc Benioff and started as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) product for sales. Salesforce has since developed to capitalize on social networking and recently, the Salesforce organization has partnered with IBM/Watson to incorporate Artificial Intelligence into their product. Salesforce is known for its database and trend forecasting in easy-to-understand infographics. According to Wikipedia, Nancy Pelosi was an early investor in Salesforce.

fogdryer ago

TrustTheTruth ago

Global Education Reform is linked to Agenda 21 and 2030, and is being developed alongside Labor and Prison Labor Reform initiatives, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, and Community Policing.



fogdryer ago

Who is helping Johnson run the child trafficking in Racine

fogdryer ago

share more clues

TrustTheTruth ago

The Truth is Simple.

Racine is The Model for 5G+ AI, Agenda 21, Smart Cities, Sanctuary Cities, Community Policing, Resilient Communities, Labor Reform and Global Education Reform.

The questions are the answers.

What is the Secret Sealed case about? Why couldn't they allow someone to be mayor?

Who violated the Hatch act, and who made illegal campaign contributions?

Why did the former city attorney, assistant city attorney, district attorney, city administrators, county executive and police chief all resign or retire early?

Why were RICO investigations obstructed at all levels including Paul Ryan, Jim Comey, and Loretta Lynch having direct involvement?

Why did the past mayors resign?

Who took the mayor's last job as state representative?

Who is the appeals court judge running for Supreme Court?

Was Randy Bryce a legitimate candidate for Congress?

What is the Development Authority?

What happened with similar groups in Arkansas and Qatar?

What Ivy League school has a location in Qatar?

What is the Foundation that supports the Community?

Who also made contributions to the Clinton Foundation?

What is Rotary? What is Red Cross? What is United Way? What is the Salvation Army? What is the I-94 Project? How is it linked to Penn State, Allentown, Tom Delonge, Caron Butler and Chris Kutcher?

Who legitimized Art in Embassies?

Who is Kristin Bauer van Straten, what roles does she take and what religion does she practice?

What is the result of Hillary's model for Community Policing?

What was The Deal Trump made for 5G+ AI?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for?

What is the weak link in the Global Chain of Command and why?

fogdryer ago

The gov is corrupt. The .org they donate to to pay for what they really want. Programs to control the present/ future citizens. These orgs are local and global . I think the weak link is Johnson co. Idk. I am thinking locally With these answers. Racine .

TrustTheTruth ago

The government serves the corporations. The corporations serve the Agenda.

The organizations and foundations are part of the many layers of local, community, state, regional, national, continental, industrial, technological, scientific and global control.

The money is washed through the programs back to the donors for greater control.

The amount of wealth involved is staggering and incomprehensible to most.

They control all forms of banking, finance, art, real estate, resources, energy, mining, education, technology and other forms of wealth.

They must maintain control of all aspects of Life and Death from Cradle to Career to Grave and Beyond.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?


The weak link in the global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

They are partners with all other wealthiest families in the nation and world, and are linked through the Pilgrims and other societies as they forge the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030.

5G+ AI is their key to control, and they will stop at nothing to Eliminate The Truth at all costs.

fogdryer ago

What do I need to post on regarding Johnson’s?

What company/ org/ article do I need to research to End the mystery on Racine ?

derram ago :

Half of Hillary Clinton's Speaking Fees Came From Groups Also Lobbying | Time :

Talking is Teaching - Too Small to Fail - YouTube

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fogdryer ago