Employee shot dead in Pennsylvania municipal building (pizzagatewhatever)
submitted 6.1 years ago by maurice
thelma 6.1 years ago
A 72 yr old who got tired of some governmental monkey fucking with his property rights.
A baby boomer.
Now what the millenial Goats saying about boomers now?
He did good. As far as I can tell now.
Oracle64 6.1 years ago
again with the "Paradise" township. hmmmm
kingdomhearts123 6.1 years ago
that's some illuminati shit right there yep
thelma ago
A 72 yr old who got tired of some governmental monkey fucking with his property rights.
A baby boomer.
Now what the millenial Goats saying about boomers now?
He did good. As far as I can tell now.
Oracle64 ago
again with the "Paradise" township. hmmmm
kingdomhearts123 ago
that's some illuminati shit right there yep