letsdothis2 ago

We've been writing about Philip Green for about 2 years now. I thought nobody really paid attention because they didn't know who he was. Anyhoo, this post from 7 months ago: Another look at the McCanns' connections with RAF Lossiemouth, the disbanded Canadian Airborne Regiment and another case of pedophilia

Britain is ruled by disassociative sociopaths in a cult that calls itself “The Royal Arch”. There is a ruling politburo of “Guardians”, consisting of persons selected by existing members. To be a guardian, one is trained from early childhood for the role in the usual manner – electroshock and sexual abuse.

That from the Chris Spivey website which was taken down. If you go to the link now there's a [not so] lovely message (from MI5 or some similar org I think) : http://chrisspivey.org/its-not-all-green/

But the good ol' wayback machine gives us the original article. People really need to read and absorb it: https://web.archive.org/web/20150323071615/http://chrisspivey.org/its-not-all-green/

Btw, Will Draper of the Hampstead case is a Royal Arch Mason according to David Shurter and Henry Makow. Draper was supposed to slip away into the shadows while the focus was put on Ella Draper, Abraham her odd boyfriend and Ricky Dearman. Draper is the one who brought Ella to the UK from Moscow, and he is the one with all the elite connections.

And, here is a pic of Sir Philip Green and Tottenham Hotspur Manager Harry Redknapp leaving the Arts Club on Dover Street, Mayfair. London, England. I've long been meaning to do a post on Dover Street. That's quite a stoty of spooksville and paedophilia. Maybe I'll do it this weekend.

think- ago

Awesome, thank you!! In the google book link @maurice provided it says he is friends with Sylvester Stallone - remember that SS is a satanist, and also raped his sister, and forced an underage girl into a threesome? We had a good post about him here about six months ago.

Note to self: Must look into the Royal Arch connection, and Dover Street.

maurice ago


Note how in this article and many others, there is one single victim that "can not be named for legal reasons." Could this be Philip Green? I know the claim is he left the school in 1967, but that could be falsified intentionally.

think- ago

Could this be Philip Green?

I don't think so, since the headmaster became a teacher there in 1975, and Green would have been 23 then...

maurice ago


Mentions "members" being convicted. I've found a few stories hinting at more than just Trevor Bolton, but have found no other names just yet.

This link mentions "A small chapel of St. John The Baptist remains open within the grounds, although no longer used for regular services it remains consecrated and is cared for by The Churches Conservation Trust."

Who are the members of this Churches Conservation Trust? Who has made money from leasing the land for filming?

think- ago

Aargh....I misspelled Stamler's name when googling his name, lol!

think- ago


In May 2007, after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal, Green donated £250,000 as a monetary reward for any useful public information. He also gave the McCanns the use of his private jet to allow them to fly to Rome for a Papal visit.


@letsdothis2 @maurice @Factfinder2

think- ago

Found more connection to possible sexual abuse:

In October 2015 former housemaster Trevor Bolton was convicted of abusing boys at the school over a period of 20 years.


(Camel College was the boarding school Green was sent to.) Question: Were there other teachers abusing boys, at the time when Green was a student?

@maurice @letsdothis2

maurice ago


Has a list of other notable people who attended there.

think- ago

I checked the school's director at the time Green was there, but Google didn't show any results for 'sexual abuse'.

Please note that in the articles they say that initially two tutors were accused by former students, but only one was convicted. Who was the other one? And when did he teach at the school?

maurice ago

It's looking like that second accused person was exonerated or very well connected to have these search engines scrubbed of their name.

think- ago

to have these search engines scrubbed of their name.

That's actually very easy when you're based in Europe - Google has to delete content when people refer to their 'right of being forgotten' on the internet. Tons of pedos have asked Google to delete news articles about them (I will do a post about that some time).

When I searched 'David Stamler' and 'sexual abuse' I was told that some search results might have been removed 'for legal reasons'. Hmm.

maurice ago

I'm not sure this is of any help, but doing a search through duckduckgo, I found this. It is omitted from google searches.


I've read claims by others that jews never prosecute jews for this crap and all sorts of claims about jews. I've no hate for any race. This scourge is in all bloodlines on earth.

I'm leaving it here, because I don't think it is worth posting on pg (unknown if any names in this meet rule 1 requirement).

think- ago

Thank you, I will read the link tomorrow. And I should maybe start using DDG a bit more again, did recently mostly search the internet with Google.

maurice ago

I typically use google, but there are times when I'll use ddg/big/yahoo just to test what pops up in searches.

maurice ago

I can't find the second accused name anywhere on google. Any combo of ideas for trying to get the info. It's omitted. I've got to log soon for work in the morning, but I'll try a few other search engines and see if I can get a hit.

think- ago

Thank you.

maurice ago

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/feb/14/acclaimed-composer-tells-of-sexual-abuse-at-carmel-college Former Carmel College housemaster, Trevor Bolton, who was jailed for 19 years in 2015 having been convicted of 25 sexual offences against eight former pupils between 1968 and 1988. Photograph: Thames Valley Police/PNS

https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/composer-to-make-film-about-abuse-he-suffered-at-jewish-school-1.442836 Mentions connections to Robert Di Nero.

maurice ago

Here's more on Tina Green(Philip's wife). https://littlesis.org/person/77244-Cristina_Green

The only listed director at Taveta Limited. https://littlesis.org/org/214793-Taveta_Limited

Taveta Limited owns C I Law Trustees Ltd. which is the same shell company listed in the Panama Papers. https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/96616

think- ago

P.S.: We should look at his other friends too.

think- ago

Interesting, thank you. Will look into it tomorrow, am about to go now.

maurice ago

Nothing meaningful, but look at this funny little coincidence. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Monaco-Ville/Villa+Ephrussi+de+Rothschild,+1+Avenue+Ephrussi+de+Rothschild,+06230+Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat,+France/@43.7042296,7.352447,13z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x12cdc28900585743:0xa778186d9e02ffb3!2m2!1d7.420816!2d43.737411!1m5!1m1!1s0x12cddb3861282f8d:0xb1c3e4b067b2324f!2m2!1d7.328492!2d43.696593!3e0

A 22 min drive between Monaco and a Rothschild estate.

think- ago

Yes, the Grimaldis (ruling family) and the Rothschilds will certainly have close ties. Would be interesting to dig a bit.

maurice ago

Now look into where his wife lives. She is the head of Arcadia on paper. Look into the age of consent laws in the nation his wife lives in.

There you will find plausibility of his direct connection to pizzagate.

Sidenote: He is a "lord", knighted by the queen, so he literally isn't held to the same set of laws as the rest of society.

think- ago

knighted by the queen, so he literally isn't held to the same set of laws as the rest of society.

Oh, we've always said that we should probably just look at the list of those that were knighted in the UK, in order to find out who the elite perps are....

So where does his wife live?

maurice ago

Monaco. Age of consent is like 14 or 16.

think- ago

Thanks, I looked it up - it's 15. Also, it's safe to assume that everything that a rich guy does there will be swept under the rug.

think- ago

.....and BINGO!! :-)

The link above mentions that Green is a good friend of Simon Cowell.....

....this Simon Cowell: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B3uQuUcIgAAqdwg.jpg (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2672705)

.....who paid the bail for this convicted pedo:

Found Another Music Industry Pedo: Former British DJ And Ex-Genesis Producer Jonathan King. Trial Against Him Started Today

@Matt_Helm @letsdothis2: We might have found a pedo connection of Sir Philip Green now.

maurice ago

I didn't look into the tourism there, but many tourist nations with lavish beach resorts, also tend to have family nudism. That is another aspect of all of this, that goes unmentioned.

think- ago

many tourist nations with lavish beach resorts

Monaco is very tiny, and I always thought it to be conservative, but I might be wrong.

.....I found one nudist beach:

Stripped of their hopes of a permit, Monaco nudists fear city authorities want to keep them away from a beach they have used for decades.

Monaco residents may have obscene amounts of cash, flash cars and big houses, they are still attached to a certain type of modesty.

While nudists have long occupied a stretch of the Pradet beach in the city state, the city council has declined to give them a permit to make the beach officially nudist.

Daily Var Matin reports that the city council tolerate the nudists but does not want to upset neighbours who disapprove of the generous amounts of flesh on display.

"In the long term, we are afraid that the council will try and close the beach," said a member of the nudist association Mer et Soleil du Monaco.

More and more clothed bathers have been using the beach in recent years and members fear they are gradually being edged out of Monaco.

The nudist association has also been calling on authorities to stop charging drivers for the use of the parking lot.

But the deputy mayor Nicole Vacca says the car park fee pays for guards who protect the area.

"It’s also a way to stop possible excesses," said Vacca, without elaborating.


The article was published in 2012.

maurice ago

"It’s also a way to stop possible excesses," said Vacca, without elaborating.

"Excesses"? Hmm........