13Buddha ago

The number of suspicious deaths of holistic and naturopath docs as well as a good handful of traditional M.D.'s since 2015 is pushing 100. I started doing research on this list a few weeks ago, beginning with Jeffrey Bradstreet, M.D., who died from a gunshot wound on 06/19/15. The research is frustrating in the sense that many deaths were subject to "investigation," but you quickly reach a dead-end street and find no additional info.

carmencita ago

Actually this is Earth Shattering.

carmencita ago

You know if you told this to Normies, they would look at you like you had 3 heads. Thanks for your research. This country is really getting messed up and people have no clue. I think we will never find Dr. Cunningham. I had another post. My original post on the Missing CDC Dr. and in it @darkknight111 found the doctor's notes that resulted in his conclusion. Your research is more bad news. When in the Name of Heaven will we start getting some good news. Thank You.

fogdryer ago

Of course they aren’t doing anything ..... Gates said thousands will die this year from “ terriosts”. Did you know his kids were never vaccinated? This is the NWO. While they kill us they are killing healthcare professionals getting uncomfortable doing it. God help us all

carmencita ago

By the time people wake up we will have lost millions:(

SecondAmendment ago

It's so sick, but at least people are finally waking up from our American Idol/Real Housewives comas....

carmencita ago

I think the fact that they kept harping on everyone to hawk their flu vaccine, it is evident that people are not listening Almost every other day I heard them on the news with some fake looking dr. pleading for people to vaccinate. BLAH!!! Over my dead body if I ever have one or the shingles shot! I had shingles. I got rid of it right away. Yeah, it was not fun for a couple weeks. But I bucked the system. I am walking evidence you do not have to take it. I have a friend that did get the shot and she had a horrible case of shingles. Just horrible. A nurse, no less. So glad to have to back.

fogdryer ago

Exactly what they are hoping for