Cc1914 ago

Did you ever look at this Wikileaks Doc? It literally has all the ties to Soros whole Empire! But it's written in turkey .

darkknight111 ago

BAE (saudi arms deals) receipients for current election cycle.

darkknight111 ago

Found Blackrock Inc a number of times too.

Here's their recipients.

carmencita ago

I would give the person credit that suggested in another post about the John McCain Campaign being one of the donors to ASU. Is that not a conflagration and certainly must not be allowed. He as a private party can make a donation, but his Campaign would be illegal, and let me know if I am wrong.

carmencita ago An Interesting Tidbit: Cerberus waded into controversy over its investment in Remington Outdoor Co. after a Bushmaster rifle made by the gunmaker was used in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Some of the firm’s biggest fund investors, including the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, pressured Cerberus to either sell the business or buy them out. The firm eventually agreed to buy out clients who wanted to divest. Ste Fetinberg is CEO of Cerberus

carmencita ago

Wow. Anyone that does not believe there are players on both sides of the aisle, should take a look at that list. Amazing.

darkknight111 ago

I found the owners of DynCorp. Dan Quayle (HW Bush VP) is a high level member.

My gut instinct is looking to be absolutely right. Need some eyes on this thread for this is looking to be a HUGE clue.

@argosiv @srayzie @alphabravo @Jem777

ESOTERICshade ago

Who the hell are these people?

Blackstone Group is a huge player. "Black Stone" as in the cube of Saturn/Satan. Huge player.

As the largest alternative investment firm in the world,[3] Blackstone specializes in private equity, credit and hedge fund investment strategies.[4] As of September 30th, 2017 Blackstone has $387 billion under management

Has ties to Kuhn Loeb and Lehman, two other huge darkside players. Lehman collapsed a few years ago.

Blackstone was founded in 1985 as a mergers and acquisitions boutique by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman, who had previously worked together at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc.

If you look at this 1976 chart you can see how big Lehman was though. That is a HUGE collapse because Lehman was in the main leg. What really happened behind the scenes in that deal I don't know. This chart is old but sort of fascinating. I don't know what it looks like today.

darkknight111 ago

Found Rothschild and Saudi connections. Claims to oppose human trafficking.

I need some eyes on this thread. I feel like I may have found something BIG via follow the money.

@EsotericShade @carmencita @SecondAmendment