"Look to the Stars" website - useful website for researchers (pizzagatewhatever)
submitted 7.3 years ago by cantsleepawink
This website which connects the foundations and charities supported by individual celebrities seems to be a a useful resource.
For example, here's Bono's page: https://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/bono
Considering he's currently being reported on in the Paradise Papers, the combination may throw up additional info.: Bono used Malta-based firm to invest in Lithuanian shopping centre
Tanngrisnir 7.3 years ago
I always found the site very useful. We need to archive a ton of pages there.
derram 7.3 years ago
https://archive.fo/SqpJA :
Bono used Malta-based firm to invest in Lithuanian shopping centre | News | The Guardian
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Tanngrisnir ago
I always found the site very useful. We need to archive a ton of pages there.
derram ago
https://archive.fo/SqpJA :
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