srayzie ago

285 people are still missing in Sonoma County. I've never heard of this happening. There is usually a cluster of fires every year. But, that's in the summer when it's really hot. People have time to get away.

I heard on the news that hundreds of people were trapped because fire was surrounding them from all sides. It's so bad that cities hundreds of miles away are smoky. I had a friend who kept her kids home from school today because the air quality was so bad and the city looks foggy.

SoldierofLight ago

This might be a total waste of time, so don't put much effort into this unless you find something, but draw a line between Santa Rosa and Las Vegas. Then, choose a third point to form a pyramid. Do you see anything of interest? I haven't yet but maybe I'm missing something.

Mghorning ago

Most fires in .CA are started intentionally.

adam_danischewski ago

I think so too, I hope there is some evidence somewhere to be found of the actual arsonists.

2impendingdoom ago


Jem777 ago

This directly relates to SONOMA County and the City of Napa...many people are not aware of the depth of depravity in this location. It is as central a hub for childtrafficking and elite corruption as Rancine, Wi.

There are numerous threads regarding missing children, stories of child rape involving the local law enforcement. Strange secret communities where children and adults live in nudist and sexual communities.

@9217 has extensive research...

ESOTERICshade ago

I measured the distance between Bohemian Grove and the town where the fires are and its only 16 miles if IF I did it correctly. If I did it correctly and was in the right place, I wonder if they are burning some people out so they can expand their compound?

Commoner ago

Maybe they are planning a special super sacrifice and they don't want anybody within miles and miles and miles. If they feel they are losing power, they will want to sacrifice something extra special to turn things around.

carmencita ago

I am so glad you posted this. I have been too busy and there are so many things wrong with this. If you watch the news the people are so fake. Also there were two hotels that were completely decimated. There is a huge area of Hispanic workers that work in the Napa Valley that never get talked about. Thousands of them. 500 people missing. Where are they? I bet they will say they have been found and we will never see them. More blood and organ harvesting. Also possible burning of evidence. That's just the beginning.

adam_danischewski ago

I think its part of a Jewish agenda of White Genocide there, they didn't burnt the illegal immigrants out, they burned the richest areas - areas that are primarily white upper middle class.

Household Income and Average Income in Napa: 
* Average Household Income  $89,132
* Percent Increase/Decrease in Income Since 2010    7%
* Average Household Net Worth   $740,616
* Median Home Sale Price    $325,000
* Sales Tax Rate    8%

derram ago :

How did Northern California fires become so devastating? - CNN | :

California illegal Fireworks and a Flamethrower - YouTube

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