Solver2 ago

My belief from extensive video analysis of the Charlottesville incident is that the helicopter went down prior to the car crash, then they stage the car crash to shift who the bad guy is, remove parts of the helicopter in the video,and even pretend parts of the the helicopter are crash victims. Videos must be stopped every second or twice a second even in some cases, to properly analyze them regarding Charlottesville. My belief is this left the bad people here with a need to divert attention from what happened in Charlottesville, the fact that they could be caught red handed there

adam_danischewski ago

Did the movie The Running Man (1987) predict the Vegas Shooting incident?

adam_danischewski ago

Help search AIR TRAFFIC control logs and helicopter flight paths, post anything interesting that you find.

adam_danischewski ago

Upon further review, the TAXI video shooting from what looks like the 4th floor had operatives who were running a strobe light and possibly playing sound effects. They should be investigated, either way they were involved - likely running a cover story operation for the event (to create a plausible denial card in the face of public scrutiny). Whoever was staying in that room needs to be found and interrogated - there is no excuse for not finding those people.

Quarter ago

The Guardian newspaper is screaming thier heads off saying people are furious at YouTube community for saying Las Vegas shooting was fake.

Quarter ago

Crisis actor Gene Rosen was supposedly shot in the head. The pic I saw looked very real and I said to myself, wow they did a God job on him make up wise. Well, I don't know if someone has already said this but maybe the crisis actors were double crossed and actually were shot from the helecopter like fish in a barrel. They do have that mentality.

adam_danischewski ago

Yea, I don't doubt that they were in the mix. See the bus stop footage to see a pack of actor agents, yet it was a real event. https://goo. gl/4K3EzM Note: squish the gl to the dot (".").

adam_danischewski ago

Note: as I have pressed on with this the owner of helicoptergunships has been on brain traffic attacking with his son and minions - he tried to dissuade me by telling me that he is of the GODHEAD OF SOLOMON (former jewish king). I wasn't moved and cited that his legacy is in tatters. He has teamed up with the queen for purposes of dissuading the public from looking into the HELICOPTER angle of the Vegas Shooting. There is a mind control/magic battle in the backdrop of the situation.

Quarter ago

You called Helicopterguns? And spoke with them? Godhead of Solomon! Solomon who was the builder of the temple of Jerusalem for his God YHWH. But Solomon started to serve other gods so YHWH Abandoned him, he died an apostate which means he was serving Satan when he died. Wow, what a come back I mean what do you say when someone says that to you. I guess you could say, why don't you just say Satan and make him proud.

adam_danischewski ago

I didn't call them via phone, they show up on brain traffic (telepathically). He definitely is working with Satan (another entity on brain traffic that I deal with often). He has a very small stripe of past decency, he is a MORPH ON TO (Solomon's godhead already having been removed).

adam_danischewski ago

I know its insidious and there isn't much defense for it but I'm going to tell you what I KNOW to be true. The Queen is running mind control directives on the US population of truth seekers regarding the Vegas Shooting and she has specifically targeted those seeking to crack open this case on the HELICOPTER angle. What she is throwing is basically like telling them "ignore it", "in one ear out the other", concentrate on other facts/angles, look for any arguable flaw (e.g. a misspelling, shoddy editing, lack of views, etc) then dismiss it as needing to be of a higher quality. BE MINDFUL that this is going on, keep fighting through it. Note that you reading this is affected by it -- she has access worldwide, to everyone, yet has higher capabilities within certain segments you can move yourself into a segment where she has less capabilities by KEEPING MINDFUL and resisting her throws.

Quarter ago

The queen is super powerful. News propaganda makes her look weak and she likes people to think that because then they don't come knocking on her door for answers.

adam_danischewski ago

Yep, a lot of women in the world know and some people who are involved with people who have access to magic / satans mind know - yet very few will speak publicly about it (for various reasons including threats/intimidation). Note: If they have satans mind then they are totally under the queens control, it is an hallucination throw by her.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

Keep in mind McCarren airport, is literally just a couple of blocks to the east. There are several helicopter charter flight companies offering trips to the Grand Canyon or simply over the strip. In the many times I've been to Vegas, I've always seen helicopters in the air during the day and night so I don't see this as unusual and nothing is showing me otherwise.
I've said it before, but I think Janet airlines' terminal within such close proximity is more of a concern than helicopter flights.

EveTheFirstAlien ago

@gothamgirl I was banned from the forum /v/pizzagate

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry to hear that.

carmencita ago

A bunch of us are busy right now, when we are free, I will ping a lot of people to help dig. Upvoat

adam_danischewski ago

Thanks, I am re-evaluating the footage I've seen with helicopters in mind. I have found a correlation on the Taxi footage, I've updated the main post. If it keeps hitting, this is one of the few places this is posted, try to get this out far and wide 4chan, reddit, MSM friendlies, etc.

carmencita ago

I will ping people.

EveTheFirstAlien ago

Will do.

carmencita ago

I can't believe they rent these out. You can just hire the and fly around and shoot? How do they know where you will shoot and who? This is unbelievable! These should be banned.

Are_we_sure ago


They take you to a private shooting range in the Mojave Desert before you are given a weapon.

Do you really think this business is set up for people to fly over Las Vegas shooting people?

Quarter ago

They should be banned for sure. These guys look like they are having fun too.

carmencita ago

Wow. What fun. Not. This just totally amazes me.

adam_danischewski ago

Yea, check out the videos they allow practically anyone to shoot a M-249 SAW as a door gunner in a helicopter at targets placed on hillsides of land they own.

carmencita ago

Who knew. That this stuff was allowed anywhere in this country. Things sure have change since I was a kid. But who knows what was going on at anytime. Our country hid and hides so much from it's people. People Need To Wake Up.

EveTheFirstAlien ago

Just got banned from Pizzagate...

carmencita ago

What happened? I just looked at your comment history, and I must admit they are a little odd. Alien stuff. What is the story. I like your post but need to know how you got banned. Please explain.

EveTheFirstAlien ago

Because of my post.

carmencita ago

I certainly can believe that. It is highly flammable. If you know what I mean.

EveTheFirstAlien ago

Why yes, it is.. lol

carmencita ago

WTH? I am coming.

derram ago