TippyHome ago

Thanks, carmencita!. Read it all. So much makes sense, now. And, remember they are expanding into space and AI. With drones, chipped humans and bots, they will completely control. I think the chips are something they are using now to track the stolen children. Watching a movie over the weekend, from 2007. "Gone Baby Gone"-about a child being kidnapped and the search that leads the pi's down a very seedy road. South Boston, but easily could be anywhere USA. Every now and then, someone from Hollywood shows a little of what is going on. This year's "Kidnapped" with Holly Berry, shows a little, too. But, it's the same stereotypes who are the villains. Not well dressed and influential politicians. Are they telling us to look "there," so we won't look "here?"

darkknight111 ago


Seems Hillary has been in contact with the Gambino family.




A whole bunch of relevant links.


Found my old thread regarding the Bonano Crime Family. Known allies of the Gambinos who ARE into sex trafficking.

srayzie ago

Geez. There is so much out there that could bring the Clinton's down but nobody will. Anyone who tries ends up dead. This makes me think even more, that they will get away with their current crimes. That couple is too powerful. I don't think they will ever spend a day in jail.

srayzie ago

Well no wonder Nancy Pelosi ended up so corrupt!

carmencita ago

She probably learned the biz sitting on her father's knee.

kestrel9 ago

^Thank you! :)

carmencita ago

No problem. :)

argosciv ago

two o's in DeathTooMasons, reading post now

carmencita ago

Thanks :)

10434161? ago


When Bill Clinton is 7, his family moves from Hope, Arkansas, to the long-time mob resort of Hot Springs, AR. Here Al Capone is said to have had permanent rights to suite 443 of the Arlington Hotel. Clinton's stepfather is a gun-brandishing, alcoholic who loses his Buick franchise through mismanagement and his own pilfering. He physically abuses his family, including the young Bill. His mother is a heavy gambler with mob ties. According to FBI and local police officials, his Uncle Raymond -- to whom young Bill turns for wisdom and support -- is a colorful car dealer, slot machine owner and gambling operator, who thrives on the fault line of criminality (except when his house is firebombed). Uncle Raymond's gambling operations are franchised by the Marcello organization of New Orleans. 1960s

A federal investigation concludes that Hot Springs has the largest illegal gambling operations in the United States.

Clinton goes to Georgetown University where he finds a mentor in Professor Carroll Quigley. Quigley writes: "That the two political parties should represent opposed ideals and policies. . . is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical . . .The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in detail, procedure, priority, or method. "

Bill Clinton, according to several agency sources interviewed by biographer Roger Morris, works as a CIA informer while briefly and erratically a Rhodes Scholar in England. Although without visible means of support, he travels around Europe and the Soviet Union, staying at the ritziest hotel in Moscow. During this period the US government is using well educated assets such as Clinton as part of Operation Chaos, a major attempt to break student resistance to the war and the draft.

Bill Clinton and his friend Jim McDougal get a job in the office of Senator J. William Fulbright. The Washington Post will later write, "McDougal was interested in making money while Clinton was obsessed with political stature."

After becoming involved in politics, Wellesley graduate Hillary Rodham orders her senior thesis sealed from public view.


Uncle Raymond gets Bill Clinton a $10,000 loan and provides some free houses from which he can run his campaign for Congress. Raymond's drinking buddy, druggist and backroom gambling operator, Gabe Crawford, offers his private plane. Clinton loses.


Bill Clinton is elected attorney general of Arkansas.


Two Indonesian billionaires come to Arkansas. Mochtar Riady and Liem Sioe Liong are close to Suharto. Riady is looking for an American bank to buy.

Riady's agent is Jackson Stephens, who also brokers the arrival of BCCI to this country and steers BCCI's founder, Hassan Abedi, to Bert Lance.

Apparently because of pressure from Indonesia, Riady withdraws his bid to buy Lance's 30% share of the National Bank of Georgia. Instead, a BCCI front man buys the shares and Abedi moves to secretly take over First American Bankshares -- later the subject of the only BCCI-connected scandal to be prosecuted in the US.

Riady's teen-age son is taken on as an intern by Stephens Inc. He later says he was "sponsored" by Bill Clinton.


Clinton is elected governor.

The Clintons and McDougals buy land in the Ozarks for $203,000 with mostly borrowed funds. The Clintons get 50% interest with no cash down. The plot, known as Whitewater, is fifty miles from the nearest grocery store. The Washington Post will report later that some purchasers of lots, many of them retirees, "put up houses or cabins, others slept in vans or tents, hoping to be able to live off the land." More than half of the purchasers will lose their plots thanks to the sleazy form of financing used.

Two months after commencing the Whitewater scam, Hillary Clinton invests $1,000 in cattle futures. Within a few days she has a $5,000 profit. Before bailing out she earns nearly $100,000 on her investment. Many years later, several economists will calculate that the chances of earning such returns legally were one in 250 million.

Governor Clinton appoints Jim McDougal an economic development advisor.

Roger Clinton develops a four-gram a day cocaine habit, getting his stuff from New York and Medellin suppliers, based (as one middleman will later testify) on "who is brother was."

More than a few Little Rock insiders believe Hillary Clinton is having an affair with Vince Foster.


According to later sworn testimony by Arkansas trooper Larry Patterson, Governor Clinton has oral sex with a woman in a car parked outside Chelsea Clinton's elementary school.

Governor Clinton appoints Web Hubbell to head a new state ethics commission. First task: to weaken ethics legislation currently under consideration by exempting the governor from some of its most rigorous provisions.

Arkansas becomes a major center of gun-running, drugs and money laundering. The IRS warns other law enforcement agencies of the state's "enticing climate." According to Clinton biographer Roger Morris, operatives go into banks with duffel bags full of cash, which bank officers then distribute to tellers in sums under $10,000 so they don't have to report the transaction.

Sharlene Wilson, according to investigative reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, flies cocaine from Mena to a pickup point in Texas. Other drugs, she and others say, are stuffed into chickens for shipping around the country. Wilson also serves as "the lady with the snow" at "toga parties" attended, she reports, by Bill Clinton.

Hillary Clinton makes a $44,000 profit on a $2,000 investment in a cellular phone franchise deal that involves taking advantage of the FCC's preference for locals, minorities and women. The franchise is almost immediately flipped to the cellular giant, McCaw.

A drug pilot brings a Cessna 210 full of cocaine into eastern Arkansas where he is met by his pick-up: a state trooper in a marked police car. "Arkansas," the pilot will recall years later, "was a very good place to load and unload."

According to his wife, security operative Jerry Parks delivers large sums of money from Mena airport to Vince Foster at a K-Mart parking lot. Mrs. Parks discovers this when she opens her car trunk one day and finds so much cash that she has to sit on the trunk to close it again. She asks her husband whether he is dealing drugs, and he allegedly explains that Foster paid him $1,000 for each trip he took to Mena. Parks said he didn't "know what they were doing, and he didn't care to know. He told me to forget what I'd seen.". . . .Later Evans-Pritchard will write, "Foster was using him as a kind of operative to collect sensitive information on things and do sensitive jobs. Some of this appears to have been done on behalf of Hillary Clinton. . . Foster told him that Hillary wanted it done. Now, my understanding . . . is that she wanted to know how vulnerable he would be in a presidential race on the question of -- how shall I put it? -- his appetites."

Hillary Clinton quietly lobbies on behalf of the Contras and against groups and individuals opposing them. http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/clinton/arkansas.htm


Nana66 ago

One person I am surprised wasn't mentioned in this post... https://i.imgur.com/3GFEKK0.jpg

10439613? ago

Bush and newt?

Dressage2 ago

Always how the Clintons fit in to the puzzle. I have also read HRC's dad was involved in some type of organized crime as well.

Jem777 ago

I believe it is possible HRC was ckosen and likely a CIA agent prior to meeting Bill. She was sent to Yale (think Skull & Bones) prior to their meeting . It was a shame marriage. She was in the CIA from the get go with Bush Hr. And John Kerry. She go away with murder because her boss was the CIA. She knows to much dirt on them if they take her down it tskes then all down...best thing to happen for our country. Trump should have a job fair and ask red blooded patriots to show up in Washington DC to work for their country. We would change this around throw the crooks out of office and secure our nation in no time.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Trump should have a job fair

Trump has his own mafia connections/several in fact. No one gets to be potus unless there is blackmail material on them so they can be controlled were they to have a mind to go out on their own. At some point it was decided to dump HC and put Trump in. It's all been one huge wag the election production so ppl actually thought they had a choice. This from someone who bought into it and had a rude red pill awakening. Wishing it were not so didn't change anything.


Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is correct. He is the literal "Trump Card" being played to push forward the agenda of Sustainability = SATAN'S ABILITY to deceive the world and create a system of Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast enforced through AI (false God) and Community Policing.

Look at where Trump and Clintons are on the wealth charts. They are way down the list. Look at the top. Then look at who they are connected to globally, and who controls everything that we all consume. We know who is involved, and the list grows daily. This is a cancer, and the only cure is to expose and remove the "Root" of the disease before it is terminal.

Racine, Wisconsin is the "Root" of all Evil and the real Agenda that must be exposed before it is too late. This is how to prove to the world that Trump is a false prophet and that there will never be justice or draining any swamp without the world rising up and Saving ourselves before we are all Enslaved.

carmencita ago

Yes most definitely and Nancy Pelosi's father was tied to the Italian Mob in Baltimore. In Deep.

10434041? ago

The video is unavailable!?

darkknight111 ago

Theory: the Dixie Mafia have ties to the "Clinton Body Count" given Bill's connection to Raymond's being a member.

quantokitty ago

Hey, thanks for the link.

carmencita ago


Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing Carmencita.

mooteensy ago

thanks carmencita!!!!!

carmencita ago

Your welcome. someone sent me a message. They wanted to ask me a strange question. I responded but have not heard back. I wonder who that could be. I am waiting to see if I can answer that question. If you know who that is please relay. I also am putting this in the comments of some posts it is a society started in KC Mo. https://demolay.org/ and then a Racine Chapter https://demolay.org/

fogdryer ago

just found this on reddit, had to post

How the Clintons captivated Hollywood movie-makers and the lackeys in the press, painting a romantic and imaginary view of America and its lost horizons, under the Clintons. Hillary's father, Hugh Rodham, Sr., was reportedly a "fixer" and "bagman" for banks and insurance companies, here and overseas. Her brothers have reportedly aligned themselves with business in the former Soviet Union, described by some as with the criminal oligarchs of the Russian mafiya and their laundry banks. In the Clinton administration, there was no effective scrutiny or restraint of the Russian criminals operating in U.S. big cities, like Chicago, Cleveland, and New York. America's secret political police, the FBI, the CIA, and the DEA, have been willfully blind. With impunity, dope from Southwest Red China floods into the U.S. through Chicago as a major intake point. According to law enforcement personnel, the Rodhams reportedly stem from links to the Gambino crime family in Scranton, Pennsylvania. We were among the first to publicly mention that Bill and Hillary are a CIA couple, each from an early age with their own separate agenda. Operating under the wing of the CIA Station Chief in London, Bill pretended to be an alleged "draft evader", a convenient cover to infiltrate the Viet Nam Peace movement in Europe. So sponsored and financed, he went to Moscow with shadow Strobe Talbott, and somehow together they unearthed the secret transcript of Krushchev lambasting the old-line Stalinists. Used as propaganda by the American CIA. Hillary became Board Chairman of a reputedly CIA proprietary, the New World Foundation, financing CIA agents provocateurs used to frame up and discredit real dissidents. Jointly with George Herbert Walker Bush, Hillary was reportedly involved in supplying weapons in the 1980s to Iraq in their war with Iran. The purpose was to keep up the price of oil for the worldwide oil cartel. The Elder Bush reportedly had a sizeable financial stake in the U.S. unit of a French firm, American LaFarge. Hillary was on their Board of Directors. They apparently supplied the ingredients to Bagdad for the making of poison gas used by Iraq against their own dissidents the Kurds, and against the wave after wave of exceptionally young soldiers of Iran in that conflict. And used against U.S. troops during the Persian Gulf War, implicated some say, partly as the cause of the Gulf War Syndrome. Hillary and her reputed lover and law partner, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., played key roles through the twin infamous enterprises, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI, and Banca Nazionale Delavoro, BNL, owned in part by the Vatican. The Atlanta branch of BNL supplied some 5 bi dollars, disguised as Agriculture Department loans, for weapons for Iraq. The Chicago branch of BNL laundered billions of dollars of Persian Gulf oil kick-backs from the weak sheikdoms to the Elder Bush and his private business partner of the decade of the 1980s, the Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein.

Commoner ago

Bush Sr said that Bill Clinton was like a son to him. Jr said he was like a brother. And Jeb was suppose to run against his sister-in-law for president?

carmencita ago

That is certainly an Eyeful AND and Earful. They have built quite a little business for themselves while plundering around the globe. If I may add the infamous Railroad Tracks Case http://www.wnd.com/1997/05/874/