ExpertShitposter ago

I think @Batmansfriend aka robin would be happier on

Much more "colors" available.

Batmansfriend ago

You didn't say it, but insinuated it...ok yes I see color but I don't hate or stereotype so heavy lol, yea when I sold cars I would hate my Asian clients lol n yea I make fun of all races but not hate or dislike..Ok so say enough people woke up too pizzagate & big arrest happened or the whoooole cabal and deep state crumbled, better world right? Massive awakening raising the "human" consciousness? Good thing? For all "humans" to realize how much brainwashing, lies, murder, MK Ultra, their wanting conquer & divide, War? I hope that unites us all, when it happens.

Batmansfriend ago

So you have to be white to care about humanity and kids? What the fuck is wrong with y'all? Yes I'm black..smh most of the pedos being brought to light are white tho?? I don't see color, was raised much better than most I see.

Batmansfriend ago

Oh, America..I see. Well cool. Hey if that's how u feel cool. But no thanks, I'm having too much fun at the moment. As I type this, lol I have a super sexy Caucasian female in my room laying on my bed and I'm about to go round 2 :) haha 😂 😂😂😂 no bs. See it's all about love man, you sir are part of the problem..brainwashed af! You think I give a fuck about race rn when there are Pedos in all walks of society??? Fuck boy

Batmansfriend ago

Who's is "us"?

Batmansfriend ago

Let me get my burnt popcorn ready! Ty good sir

Batmansfriend ago

I'm a Nigger & fuck Dems...fuck the other side too! There's Good & Evil...I'm not manipulated by no one. I research and come up with my own conclusion. I see the divide n conquer is working just fine tho since I'm a Nigger. Smh fuck boy...I still do have hope all this shit will come to light and we will all unite & purge the evil.

DarkMath ago

"convert em or kill em"

Not me. God told me Vengeance is His. I'm not going to make a stink about it. lol

I'm am 100% the G Man has something in store. Whatever it ends up being it will be the perfect punishment. God has a custom built paddle for each behind.


DarkMath ago

"Is all i meant"

Understood. Just so you know I'm a born again Christian. I used to be the sole deity in my life until I nearly drank myself to death. I got sober and I've never been happier.

Why am I telling you this? Because since becoming a Christian I can now understand why God tore down the Temple in Jerusalem around 60 ad. God banished "The Jews!(tm)" for 2000 years from the Holy Land for misbehaving. I've got it on pretty good Authority that "The Jews!(tm)" are in hot water again. When the truth about 9/11 comes out I don't know what the fuck is going to happen. One thing I know for sure is the American People won't give Israel another cent.

Hopefully that will wake them up and mend their ways. They didn't think up 9/11 but rest assured their participation in it won't go unpunished by the King of Kings.


DarkMath ago

"and fractiona reserve banking"

I think you mean just the Federal Reserve. Fractional Reserve Banking is actually a GOOD thing. Without it you'd have to save up 30 years of Salary to buy a house.

Make sense? The Federal Reserve is evil because it engenders an elite "banking class" who are given money for nothing and are therefor given influence beyond what they deserve.

Fractional Reserve Banking is how poor people like you and me can afford to take out a mortgage to buy a house.

heygeorge ago

Donald Trump trying to stop the daily harvest of poor black people.

Source? Evidence he's even aware?
What do you think, @zyklon-b?

Also, thanks for the post, DM. Obviously it reads like an opinion piece, but it also contains more info than I had.

DarkMath ago

"Source? Evidence he's even aware? "

If you were trying to take down the Deep State would you go out of your way to tell the average American Citizen you're "aware" of the many crimes committed by the Deep State?


heygeorge ago

So... No, not even a shred of evidence. (That doesn't invalidate your point.)

DarkMath ago

"you will come to understand the state of the middle east"

I'm well aware believe me. I know the Deep State hired Mossad to rig the towers for destruction on 9/11. I know Israel has blood on their hands. I'm not Jewish by the way. My only point to you would be don't blame only the Jews. The American Aristocracy planned 9/11. David Rockefeller and George H.W. Bush were the ring leaders:

Both parties are thoroughly corrupt and beyond help. Democrats and Republicans need to go. The only question I have is why can't black people figure out the Democrats are trying to kill them?

Are black people still chumps? Why the hell do they keep voting for Democrats?