Astrodreamer ago

This is not referring to human sacrifice killing; it refers to giving up desirable things for a higher purpose. The stupidity to be found amongst pizzagaters is simply appalling. And for some reason a lot of people like to pretend to be even stupider than they are.

cakeoflightylight ago

Doesn't the Lucius Trust donate to NPR?

cakeoflightylight ago

Whoa... I didn't know about that website. Sick.

cantsleepawink ago

That's very interesting. I need to go read that page.

jstayz44 ago

No doubt! I've been really curious about this "Divine right" these M Fers seem to think they have over the rest of us. It turns out...they believe they are building their own divine right by making such tradeoffs...a human life to elevate themselves. The more sacrifices, the more divine. Ego is a tricky thing.

cantsleepawink ago

Even though I'm aware of a lot of this stuff I still find it hard to believe that people can be so warped. We know so little about our history as a species. And everything we've been taught was a lie.