Astrodreamer ago

But no mention of any murder investigation!?!

Silverlining ago

A hotel in Valetta Malta has been closed down by authorities for serving human flesh to consumers.

Police raid found processed human hands and fresh human heads that were still bleeding.

sunshine702 ago

Holy shit! I sent this link to all my cook and chef friends. Wow. Our special tonight is North African human hand in a red wine demi glaze reduction. Obviously fava bean side and the Som pairs Chianti. Wow just wow mind blown.

doubletake ago

GEORGE WEBB mentions MALTA as a key node in the trafficking out of North Africa. Great lead!

Chris_F1 ago

Valletta is the capital of Malta also a port where many billionaire yatches are parked up. Probably waiting for lunch/dinner. I know Malta has some of the biggest secrets known to man so this might be something!! Maybe an email search???