SoldierofLight ago

Organ harvesting is BIG business. You want actual stats (versus shill stats) do a search with the keywords "blackmarket organ harvesting industry" and you'll see you're actually on track. Upvoat for you.

charmeuse ago

Fascinating. How did you find out who his brother is?

SterlingJB ago

True dat. It's just under his hypothesis of Dyncorp being the CIA, and with how the CIA justifies playing in the "grey" for national security purposes (personally think that was why HRC was "careless" rather than criminally negligent), that would mean Dyncorp might not exactly be too worried about prosecution. I mean, with their history in Afghan, Iraq, Bosnia etc., they don't seem too worried about shit. I agree with you though. Some of what he's talking about does have actual support (some I've tried to give him) but the majority seems to be leaps and bounds of speculation. Edit: Also, there's lots of theatrical effects going on that I just don't buy.

SterlingJB ago

I agree, but why is there no money in organ harvesting? I mean, it makes enough money for China to do it, right?

Godwillwin ago

It makes money for planned parenthood too.

I don't know what to think anymore. Some ex intelligence guys are trying to help us see the truth - the late ted gunderson, dr pieznicick, and more that I can't remember their names. Maybe Webb is exposing to the deplorable what he knows?? Maybe he's lying. At this point the only thing I know is that children need rescuing :(

SterlingJB ago

Yeah, that's where I'm at. Personally I think he's helped out what's happened here on voat quite a bit.

SterlingJB ago

Yo downvoater. Let me know what u disagree with. Also, I'll take the post down, since I think much of his story is legit, but all this info is publicly available on the internet so I'm not sure what the risk is. What aboot being woke and shit?