I'm glad we have a sub now that I can throw this out. I'll make the assumption that any readers here can draw all of the logical connections without me having to provide a narrative.
Consider these:
- Sanger/Ford/Rothschild/Hitler/Third Reich/Eugenics/T4 Project
- Soros/Nazis/Coloboma/South America/Eugenics/Nazi Diaspora/Occult
- McCann/Coloboma/Soros/NWO/Clinton/Podesta/Occult
Is it possible, that Soros maybe was imbued/tasked with leading the rise of the Fourth Reich? Look at the propaganda - accuse all others of what you are guilty of? The "liberal agenda" is amazingly similar to the methods and actions of the Third Reich. Of course there are some differences, like the LGBTQLMNOP thing. But Pulse NIghtclub already showed the fallacy.
Thakiddds ago
It's a spirit. Surely a similar spirit that was behind Hitler, with similar goals.
thicktail1730947 ago
Gee, I hope not. If these people turn out to want to start a fourth reich, we may lose the valuable support of the international alliance of /pol/.