Le_Squish ago

For posterity!

this will be my only post on this subject, because the leaks are starting to come out.

John Podesta uses SEIU people to do his dirty work. I am not FBI anon but close. Jennifer Palmieri had Seth murdered, but Robby Mook and John Podesta found out about it and had Jennifer consult with Hillary and Huma and they all decided it was best to silence Seth.

Once the deed was done, Palmieri and Mook started pushing the "robbery" narrative and the cops in DC went along with it.

The DC police chief is complicit and covering up for them. He is also a pedophile.

If you'd like to connect dots, look into SEIU people in DC that night, Jennifer Palmieri's strange "Tweets", and Robby Mooks insistence that it is Russia.

If the right people are informed in the right order, Palmieri, Mook, Podesta, Abedin and the Clinton Machine (phillippe also) will fall. Weiner is going to get immunity it looks like.

SEIU murdered Seth Rich, connected to Podesta and Palmieri.

flyingcuttlefish ago

until mods delete this post.

They delete almost all my stuff. I have it also at \v\pizzagateuncensored

flyingcuttlefish ago

I got this from other voat verse ... but I forget where ... lots of news happening fast ....