Need help with Dutch language news story on Suriname pedo scandal involving government officials there. (pizzagateuncensored)
submitted 8.2 years ago by flyingcuttlefish
Surinam is east of Venezuela near Brazil.
This story in print yesterday (English) isn't on the internet yet. Headline: "Sixth arrest in paedophilia case" [PARAMARIBO dateline]
G00gle translate blocks this page from me --
Dec. 2, 2016 - Update!!Redactie: Pedofiele bende verdacht van opzettelijke HIV verspreiding
Suriname is former Dutch colony and many gov't officials in these former colonies are sent from the Netherlands. The scandal involves high up government officials. G00gle news hidesALL of the stories so search with a regular, non-G00gle search engine for the prosecutor's name (not a pedo) - "Inspector Judith Dragtenstein".
ALSO I found this -
B3nd3r 8.2 years ago
translated via & archived:
flyingcuttlefish 8.2 years ago
derram 8.2 years ago :
Minister Jennifer van Dijk-Silos van... - Actionnieuws suriname | Facebook
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This is really weird. I put that archive link (goes to Dutch language facebook post) into G00gle translator and it doesn't translate but throws up a message "That page is in English" (!). Hmmmmm
B3nd3r ago
translated via & archived:
flyingcuttlefish ago
derram ago :
This has been an automated message.
flyingcuttlefish ago
This is really weird. I put that archive link (goes to Dutch language facebook post) into G00gle translator and it doesn't translate but throws up a message "That page is in English" (!). Hmmmmm