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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @mxcviel.

Posted automatically (#125294) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@argosciv: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @mxcviel)

argosciv ago

Ey @Crensch, just thought you should be made aware of the above-linked crosslink comment (see parent) which attempts to:

  • Diminish the outing of tokui as one of the, if not the, user account(s) spamming pro-pedophile anecdotes, sentiment and even content (as was deleted from v/pizzagate).
  • Deflect the situation to parroting of gabara's claims that you (Crensch) are some sort of Belgian shill or some such shit and claiming that you personally are one of if not the pedo account(s).

Strongly noteworthy is that the submission in which the above comment is found, is about an account allegedly admitting to using Q subs to manipulate votes for the creation of astroturfing/shill accounts. Incidentally I have personally been warning of the exploit Im_Brian is alleged to have admitted to utilizing, for months and conversely the same exploit can be used by posting anti-jew sentiment in 90% of Voat, but I digress...

What makes this noteworthy is that I distinctly recall a few of us, though I forget precisely who, discussing the Im_Brian account – and a few others related to it – no more than a few months ago on the subject of SBBH/PV/et al "play both sides" larping and subversion up to and including such social engineering/vote manipulation exploits.

Note: It is distinctly possible that the screnshotted PM which the submission is based on could have been faked, given who posted it. But fake or not, the exploit does exist in many forms (as mentioned).

Crosslinked comment:

Screenshot that the comment's parent submission is based on:


To cut a long story short, we seem to once again have mounting evidence of the relationship between pedophile spam and SBBH/PV users, campaigns, talking points and behaviors designed to poison Voat, which includes a relationship to doxxing and other malicious activity aimed at QAnons and Pizzagaters, and "playing both sides" in their attempts at disruption/narrative control.

cc: @Vindicator @MadWorld @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

argosciv ago


mxcviel's recent comment history shows that he was active (along with Dial) in a recent submission by Hammy which – without any discernible prompting context prior – blathers about Jem777/Jenny Moore (yet another link to subversive spam and narratives; TTT et al).

In Hammy's submission, the pedo account(s) deliberately try to malign @Crensch by associating with his trolling of Hammy.

Once again, appearing to bolster the connection between SBBH/PV, tokui, et al, in a messy network of "playing both sides". In essence: nearly every subversive/abusive/malicious campaign which has been directed a Pizzagate/QRV/GreatAwakening and associated users can be tied back to the same parties – despite that they're now trying to larp as innocent and shift the blame on to their targets by way of playing both sides under various alts.

@Vindicator @MadWorld @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/Elpis submission.

Posted automatically (#127047) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@argosciv: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Gothamgirl ago

Sperm eater

argosciv ago


Sperm eater

Uh, no. Of the two of us, you're the one far more likely to have experience in guzzling cum. You spit out zyklon's meth-addled jizz or swallow it?

go choke on your cake of lite

Lol. Yeah no. If you fell for that shit and think it's real (ie: think that it's something anyone worth their salt would engage in), you're as much a dimwit as any other fool who fell for it. Or in other words: I don't partake in that shit, no matter how much you want me to so your rhetoric can have even an ounce of weight.

you fucking commie spy

Speaking of rhetoric...


What's the matter, Hammy? You upset that I can see through the shit-tier games you sbbh faggots play?

"Hurr I iz argue with da sbbh, I cannot pozzibly be dem!" <- inevitable larp response, pretending that playing both sides isn't a recognized tactic.


@Vindicator @MadWorld @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @Crensch ^ Check out Hammy, having a ree 10 days later... (no, don't vote; just laugh)

Gothamgirl ago

I am just now seeing this.

I highly doubt your 1st statement, especially after seeing the gay music you listen to sperm eater.

"Fell for that?" - Oh so your a liar, or an actor, got it!

You are a commie spy and you talk alot of shit behind peoples backs, you must've forgot all the pm's you sent me. Can we see the Voat Police badge you think you have?

Why do you put so much time in, monitoring others on a FREE SPEECH website argosciv?

You told everyone in the beginning that you get blood from women, and its consensual. I may be wrong about you paying for it. Still doesn't change the fact that you are a vampire, and a sick occultist weirdo.

I don't associate with sbbh, never posted there and pretty never have commented there either. Srayzie did alot..... Actually I am blocked from that sub, and pretty much always have been. I was the 1st on this site to call Gabara out for Loli. . I like a few people there, soooo... Crensch has a closer connection the I also, he actually makes posts on sbbh, so um wtf are you even trying to say exactly?

Its only people on the internet that would call me Hammy 🤣 I am amazingly happy with my body. I have guys hitting on me all the time. I couldn't stay single if I tried.

Big man has to tag multiple people that never back him up because why not try to pretend to be respected. Do you get an ego boost or something?

Complains about my edits, then edits his comments twice 🤣🤣 what an imbecile! You and your crew are the laughing stock of Voat.

I am going to edit 17 times just to watch you reeee, kek!

argosciv ago

I am just now seeing this.

Yet you replied so quickly here, somehow forgetting about live notifications while doing so:

I highly doubt your 1st statement

How many dicks you sucked? 0 for me. You can call that a lie all you like, I know it isn't.

especially after seeing the gay music

Personal opinion noted and disregarded. Not proof of the following claim:

sperm eater


You are a commie spy

Shit tier rhetoric.

you talk alot of shit behind peoples backs

I also talk shit about shitkickers like you in the open. You seriously acting like you and your cohorts don't talk shit in private, such is your right, too?

Why do you put so much time in, monitoring others on a FREE SPEECH website argosciv?

Not sure you understand just how little time is necessary to point out your ineptitude. As for "MUH FREEZE PEACH!", am I censoring you, or letting you shoot your mouth off and just taking notes? See, you and your cohorts have been trying to censor/ostracize me for years and it still hasn't worked. So spare me your projection.

You told everyone in the beginning that you get blood from women

Deliberate misrepresentation (or as will be mentioned ahead, you're just that intellectually inept that you have no competence in reading comprehension).

its consensual

Your only accurate representation, though still technically a false foundational premise due to the preceding inaccuracy. To clarify so you cannot straw man: Yes, it was consensual.

I may be wrong

You are indeed wrong, about so much that it's a freakin' hoot at this stage.

Still doesn't change the fact that you are a vampire

Rhetoric spawned and relied upon by the very apparatus you claim to fight; congratulations, you're their puppet moreso than you may ever realize.

I don't associate with sbbh

Ahahahahahahahahaha. Naaah, you just sucked the dick of their untouchable, and to this day act as their proxy by carrying out their agenda.

I am amazingly happy with my body. I have guys hitting on me all the time. I couldn't stay single if I tried.

Do you understand just how cringe-worthy that statement is? Who're oyu trying to convince? Me? Why on earth would you care if I think you're happy with your body, let alone anyone else on this site? Your need for validaiton and to stroke your own ego, is off the charts cringe. You rerpeat the above so often that it really sounds like even you don't believe it.

But again, I do not care about your looks. You could be a 300 pound sow for all I care, I go by your words and conduct. Said words and conduct being "pig-headed" which is what I most relate "hammy" to; you eat up any old slop proverbially speaking.


Let's now backtrack a bit... remember how I mentioned we'd talk about your misrepresentations and/or lack of reading comprehension?

"Fell for that?" - Oh so your a liar, or an actor, got it!

Whew lad, are you that stupid or is this yet another example of you pathological reliance upon misrepresenting others' words?

Here's what I actually said (and yes, per your own claim, you saw it after all edits, which were fuly noted, were performed):

go choke on your cake of lite

Lol. Yeah no. If you fell for that shit and think it's real (ie: think that it's something anyone worth their salt would engage in), you're as much a dimwit as any other fool who fell for it. Or in other words: I don't partake in that shit, no matter how much you want me to so your rhetoric can have even an ounce of weight.

So your contention is that somewhere, some time, I said that I eat "cake of lite", correct? Go ahead and prove that one, shit-tier.


Okay where were we... oh right.

Big man has to tag multiple people that never back him up because why not try to pretend to be respected. Do you get an ego boost or something?

Unlike your repeated ego-stoking, validaiton-seeking "I suh happy wiv ma body, da menz hit on me al da time" cringe, I don't need nor ask those I ping to fight on my behalf. In fact it can plainly be seen that I ask them to not get involved. Because after all these years of you and your cohorts tring to ostracize me and failing, I've learned that I don't need the assistance. Once upon a time I did need to appeal to them to hear my side (which they eventually did; woe is you), but I never needed them to defend me and more so than ever they now know how unsubstantial and deceptive your tactics against me have always and continue to be.

We don't operate as a gang, we are individuals who agree and disagree with one another on various topics, but we know who the malicious party is; you and your cohorts.

Complains about my edits, then edits his comments twice 🤣🤣 what an imbecile! You and your crew are the laughing stock of Voat.

Like I said, we've done this dance many-a-time. Not even worth getting into. Learn to edit honestly.

I am going to edit 17 times just to watch you reeee, kek!

Plainly obvious, as always, that it is you who is reeing. You've been doing it for years.


One last backtrack:

you must've forgot all the pm's you sent me

You making threats again? Lol.

Should I share the one pm chain which embarrasses the ever living fuck out of you and your ostensibly-ex tootsie pop, zyklon? I'm sure I have it sitting here somewhere still... Don't worry, unlike you doxing degenerates, I'll still censor everything pertinent.

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @MadWorld

Gothamgirl ago

You wrote a book just for me, how sweet! If I did get a notification I certainly didn't see it, I found this during a search for something else. You don't know a damn thing about my sex life so dont pretend you do. I like mant people are different dubs, so! Maybe you'll are not liked by many and its not that we run in the same circles at all. Do what you like share what you like, no one cares, and I'm not reading this heap of shit any further I have better things to do, toodles vampire.

argosciv ago

You wrote a book


Gothamgirl ago

Well I wouldnt call you inept, I will leave that one up to your boyfriends you tagged in your prior comment to decide.

argosciv ago

Well I wouldnt call you inept

Call me whatever you like, it's plainly obvious that you rely on falsehoods for everything.

I will leave that one up to your boyfriends you tagged in your prior comment to decide.

Case in point as to your ineptitude. Once again you get your lying shit pushed in and the best you've got is, essentially, "you gay!"

I genuinely feel bad for you. Whoever fucked you up so badly that you would later date an sbbher and join their cause indefinitely and without question, is a real piece of shit.

Gothamgirl ago

Nobody pushed my shit in and I dont lie, its a sin. . What type of fantansy land do you live in? I didn't join in no ones cause. I have my own cause. Cancel crensch. Someone fucked me up badly? When and how did I miss it? I dont use drugs or drink! Pretty immature to keep making shit up because I am happier then I ever been honestly.. Zyklon had his screen name banned over a year ago why are you people still talking it or sbbh. Especially with me.

argosciv ago

Nobody pushed my shit in and I dont lie, its a sin


Oh fuck, you're a hoot and simulatenously pathetic.

Gothamgirl ago

Show me where?

It hurts you 🤣🤣🤣

You're pathetic you have to tag 3 people to argue/ fight a girl, wimp.

argosciv ago

Show me where?

Show what, exactly? (Seriously asking, not even sure what you're referring to there)

It hurts you 🤣🤣🤣

What does?

You're pathetic you have to tag 3 people to argue/ fight a girl, wimp.

Already covered that one, get some new material.

Crensch ago

Guntpiggy says it doesn't lie. It lied about being a hacker. It lied about where it got Srayzie's info. It lied about being married to the pedophile meth head.

argosciv ago

Guntpiggy says it doesn't lie.

Which is itself the biggest lie.

Aside from what you listed, there's the contortion of what you said in the other chain, and more specifically to this one, it says:

  • I get blood from women (tense (past/present/future) is important here as is the context of quantity). False representation and it knows it.
  • I pay/paid for it. False.
  • I eat sperm. False.
  • I'm a "commie spy". False.
  • I'm a liar and actor. False and false.
  • I'm a "vampire". False.
  • I'm an "occultist weirdo". False/misleading/personal opinion.
  • It only just saw the comment it replied to, at the same time as v/elpis comments it replied to in record timing (and the submission itself). False.
  • It doesn't associate with SBBH. False.
  • I tag people for "backup". False.

Well, look at that... 90%+ of her reply is based on falsehoods.

cc: @Vindicator @MadWorld

Gothamgirl ago

Show me where aomebody pushed my shit in, I mustve missed it.

It does hurt you otherwise you wouldn't be running with lies and fabricating complete horseshit about me.

argosciv ago

She did not disappoint (per Edit 2):

Did you not claim to buy womens blood

Someone needs to bring some proof of their claim. Lest they be accused of relying on rhetorical falsehoods to reinforce their 2+ year failed narrative....

@Vindicator @MadWorld @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @Crensch

MadWorld ago

In essence: nearly every subversive/abusive/malicious campaign which has been directed a Pizzagate/QRV/GreatAwakening and associated users can be tied back to the same parties – despite that they're now trying to larp as innocent and shift the blame on to their targets by way of playing both sides under various alts.

Yup, very much the case.

If I remember correctly, they were also pushing that tokui is Crensch's alt. It was in one of those anon subverses, probably in QRV, since they love to spam there. You can bet they are up to no good, with those new accounts they have farmed. And this is probably just the beginning.