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Vindicator ago

No one removed any Comments, for speech content or any other reason. Or proposed removing Comments. Nice try, though.

So...first you invent a big ruleset for the sub on Voat dedicated to documenting elite corruption, then you support disinfo pushers who use the Comment section to get around those rules, and try to undermine efforts to prevent that by making up lies about it.

@Crensch is so right about you.

And fuck you for what you're helping to do to this site.

You mean the DDoS this sub brought the site under? I'd say I was sorry about that...except I'm not. Free speech is pointless unless you actually use it to change things for the better.


@vindicator your new post is Disinfo. It wasn't an AOC supporter

This was a LaRouchePAC Stunt.

I'm literally doing your job for you, I'm an asshole and an asset.

darkknight111 ago

While this is true upon further digging, that incident has already bore fruit in our favor. Think “Long Game”.

By defending this person and doing NOTHING to publically condemn or admonish talk of using cannibalism that happened right in front of her, she exposed herself. Said clip going viral on the internet.

AOC likely agrees with this woman’s “eat the babies statement” and is a possible pedovore.

Talk of the left and elites endorsing cannibalism is trending thanks to this.. This incident is a VERY bad event for the pedo elites. This also torpedoes the “muh climate change” narrative as insane delusions.


Long Game Propoganda.

Staged events ought to be noted as such if we are "journalists" putting together "unbiased" content.