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Fambida ago

This rule is fucking retarded and I can only assume you are acting in bad faith. Did the lessons of Reddit teach you nothing?


He's still trying to justify Crensch going powermod and banning me for repeatedly asking him a question, despite his evasive counterQ's

Angelis_Solaris ago

Well it would be useful for NOMOCHOMO to reply on one of his comment chains which is being wrecked by a New Age priest claiming that Wilhelm Reich was not advocating pedophilia when he clearly was. What does NOMO need to do to be unbanned?


I can't comment (until a Mod grows a pair and unbans me), but plz ping me to the Reich post/chain


@ordotempliinternetis. happy to help search, but I can't comment in pizzagate until I am unbanned.

If you advocate for it. being reversed, I'd appreciate it.

I'll direct message you in the meantime if I find anything relevant.