pbvrocks ago

TY for this sub..would like to help, have contributed some.

irie ago

A Table of Contents at the top of the Pizzagate main page might help to navigate the voluminous collection of material. In addition, information regarding Pizzagate could be more useful if it points to the applicable laws. In every law jurisdiction, each criminal offense is defined by a list of "elements", and all of the elements must be proven to the relevant standard of proof in each case. For example, sex with a minor would be an example of a criminal offense. Pedophilia is one of the many paraphilias listed and defined in psychology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphilia ... Pedophilia is not a criminal law term or criminal offense. The extensive information and facts that have been accumulated on James Alefantis do not appear to establish each and every element of any particular criminal offense as defined in any particular jurisdiction; and therefore, law enforcement would not be able to conclude that there was "Probable Cause" and "Sufficient Evidence" to lay criminal charges against Mr. Alefantis. The relevant jurisdiction(s) and relevant sections of the applicable Criminal Code(s) can be found on the Internet to be used as a guideline of what information is needed (offenses and elements of each offense) to show both probable cause and sufficient evidence for each offense. A scholarly researcher is not as knowledgeable about the law as an attorney or lawyer, especially when it comes to the meaning of so-called terms of art. Otherwise, publishing accusations, assertions or claims on the Internet may risk the author being named as a defendant in a lawsuit for character assassination of some type (libel, slander, et cetera). If someone has standing as an alleged victim of any crime, then he or his parent/guardian may report it to the appropriate authority.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Why was I banned? v/pizzagateshills (armyseer) > SayWhatNOWAY | Sent: 2 minutes ago on 1/7/2017 7:06:10 AM You've been banned from v/pizzagateshills :( @armyseer has banned you from v/pizzagateshills for the following reason: Pizzagategear.com

OrwellKnew ago

You were only banned from one troll subverse v/pizzagateshills. That "ban" is meaningless. Don't worry. The retard who mods it has been exposed and we are onto him

SayWhatNOWAY ago

TY :-) I wondered about him before!

Investigate1999 ago

Hi, all!

I'm new to Voat, in that I came, when r/pizzagate was shut down. I first heard of Pizzagate during the Wikileaks interview.

I'm currently very happy, and really very super impressed with some of the stuff that has been brought up. I'm sure that we'll eventually discard a lot of the legitimate research, but it has been a phenomenal journey.

[On a side note, I'd like to commend all of the legitimate people out there, as opposed to the shills, who have dedicated so much time to helping out. While the majority of people had a chance to enjoy Christmas and New Years, we had sad thoughts at the back of our minds, and some of us even checked in on those days. We did it for the kids, who would never have freedom and comfort during those times. I am confident that the tiny and large efforts that we have put in so far will at least protect the children for a little more than otherwise would have happened.]

I appreciate that we have started many subverses, so that we can start to organize our text.

I can spend some time modding the new submissions, but we'll take it a step at a time.

I can also create new subverses to help us do more kinds of things, like testing out new posting formats, and whatever else.

[edit: by the way, I'm new to modding on voat, so I'll be a bit careful with how I do things, at first]


Hello, folks. Let me know how I can best help out. I have a professional tech background with specialization in writing and editing, and grad student in esoteric studies with some familiarity with topics that come up here. Please allow me to catch up on moderating before jumping in whole hog. Meanwhile, direction, tips, and guidance appreciated.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Hi there guys, new mod here. Looking forward to keeping the discussion centered on pizzagate/facts, and helping in any way I can.

kingkongwaswrong ago

bit of background, @crensch and @kevdude are moderators of /v/protectvoat - that's where voaters go when they think a sub's moderators are being censorshippy or on a power trip.

They have very kindly helped us with putting together a set of sensible rules. They will weigh in if they think any of us are being too subjective with banhammers and deletions.

Investigate1999 ago

bit of background, @crensch and @kevdude are moderators of /v/protectvoat - that's where voaters go when they think a sub's moderators are being censorshippy or on a power trip.

They have very kindly helped us with putting together a set of sensible rules. They will weigh in if they think any of us are being too subjective with banhammers and deletions.

Thanks, you guys!

kingkongwaswrong ago

ping the guys like this @crensch @kevdude @knowthyself @millenial_falcon so they know to read this, otherwise they might not see it

(dw now since I've already done it)

Also @kevdude dunno if you want to weigh in to cement your position with new mods, thought I might start giving them early exposure to you

Melitica ago

Hi all... Sorry I'm late to the party. I am a writer by trade which means I do a lot of web research. Came here from the chans,was online the night FBIAnon had 'first' info session. I am an avid tweeter but really only lurked on Reddit. I had been hearing about this kind of stuff for about 10 yrs and didn't want to believe it but...kind of overwhelming. I am pretty good at organizing and compiling research so my lack is that I need to learn the technical stuff of voat.

kingkongwaswrong ago

yes, excited for you to go to into the threads and make mega threads :) feel free to have a go and see how you go xo let me know if I am talking about the wrong thing to the wrong person XD but it was you who suggested combining duplicates?

Melitica ago

You are right, it was me... I have been bogged down with actual work which is a pleasant surprise....I am a freelancer and December can be dead. Anyway, I have had to spend time catching up!

kingkongwaswrong ago

nice to hear for you! that's fantastic :)

Saw your post on the front page, was very cool & well thought out. Thanks for your awesome efforts so far!

heygeorge ago

Oh yes, the soul-eating is real.

heygeorge ago

Why have you decided to bow out? Surely people in the community can help you get up to speed on what can and cannot be done 'round here.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Hey all, I can't wait to help in any way I can. I'm an engineer and good at logic-y, math-y organize-y stuff. I'm pretty good at researching but no hacker. And not so good at faces and people connections. I feel a deep personal anger towards anyone who hurts kids in any way. I am a Sunday School teacher so I see some of the Satanic meanings in everyday phrases that some people might miss. For example the ad company that made the Besta Website is called Hilltop. In the bible, the followers of Molech would sacrifice children at altars made in the high places. In some translations it is translated to Hilltop.

I won't be in anyone's face about Christianity but will probably be praying for everyone.

Investigate1999 ago

For example the ad company that made the Besta Website is called Hilltop. In the bible, the followers of Molech would sacrifice children at altars made in the high places. In some translations it is translated to Hilltop.

Good eye. Good catch.

I think that people miss out on so many clues, because they want to ignore the symbolism.

[edit: after looking into Pizzagate, I am becoming convinced that Washington DC or the Vatican are the only candidates for the whore, who rides the beast]

pizzapartywithkids ago

Hello. I realize my place on voat has been frictional to say the least.

I am new to voat and was unaware of numerous things when I moved in to help moderate /v/pizzagate after previously moderating /r/pizzagate. I feel like I came at the voat community in the wrong angle after having spent countless hours reviewing what was getting posted in the reddit sibling. I want it to be clear that the mod team on reddit took serious issue with much of the censorship the reddit admins were intending to enforce on the mod team and the community at large. We were never interested in censorship. Its important to understand that reddit has a very significant problem with endless shills that have endless time to do nothing but make your life endlessly miserable as a moderator. It was this overly vigilant attitude that I took with me to voat, not realizing fully, the significant differences in the communities. For that, I apologize to everyone here that I may have offended.

Investigate1999 ago

I don't know the specifics of your situation, so I don't need an apology from you.

I appreciate the work that you all did at reddit. You all are heroes to me, by default.

Thank you for your work and time.

Crensch ago

Voat is a helluva culture shock from rEddit. I didn't have the presence of mind to present this to y'all before, but maybe it'll still help.


Codewow ago

Glad this sub is being created. Personally, transparency is one of my biggest priorities for the Pizzagate sub, so I'll be open to questions.

I'd also like invite other mods/janitors/the likes join me in also providing as much transparency as we can to assist in keeping the /v/pizzagate culture fair and honest.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well for one, you need more adult boobies. it's all so serious.

edit 1: protectvoat isn't all that helpful so do your shit here

flares need some org....

issue: where did everyone go? there were so many more!?! back to lurking? :(

Codewow ago

Any flair related suggestions can be brought up in our new flair discussion: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/1451361

Crensch ago

Only the first 5 pings work, if I'm not mistaken. You'll need to make separate comments for those after the 5th ping.