This is wild. News broke today that a U.S. Representative from Texas has called for a fornal investigation of the French film "Cuties," which was releaased on Netflix this week.
He demanded an investigation into whether the film violated any child exploitation laws.
Link to the news story:
From the article:
"In defense of the film, Netflix released a statement to media outlets earlier this week that described Cuties as “social commentary against the sexualization of young children.”
“It’s an award-winning film and a powerful story about the pressure young girls face on social media and from society more generally growing up — and we’d encourage anyone who cares about these important issues to watch the movie,” the statement concluded."
Another quote featured in the article:
“I trusted the director’s claim that it was just a social issues film,” said YouTuber D’Angelo Wallace. “I believed everyone saying that Netflix just misconstrued her film in a pedophilic way. Turns out I should have just gone with my gut instinct.”
In continuation of my post last night, I have not seen the film. But the very fact that this has become such a public discourse as to reach the floors of the U.S. Congress is monumental.
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rickman2 ago
If you want to go on some moral crusade then make a documentary and investigate the issue. Otherwise pick a different topic for your movie. Don't exploit children and make softcore pedo bait and then act all moral and say you're just highlighting the problem.
i_scream_trucks ago
oh i think they know exactly what theyre doing.
'how can we openly broadcast wank material for dirty old men? why the same way we explain women shitting in public as art'
Lansing-Michigan ago
Before the feminist movement , women could not get a loan without their husband's signature . Sorry, but anti feminism smacks of stupid seem to be on a vendetta , however. Maybe research would do no good.
WolfgangBlack ago
I think it is called chutzpah.