carmencita ago

Thank God. Spread it. Petition on Life Site News. There are others.

3141592653 ago

It is a good that we have been gifted with the presence of carmencita

plancktonne ago

"Sundance co-founder was sentenced for pedophilia back in 2019."

Sundance co-founder was sentenced for pedophilia back in 2019

GreasyCaveman ago

Just cancelled today. Reason: child pornography

TripleZ ago

Don't watch it. It is pure mind garbage. You already know enough about it to know it's jew propaganda.

Titanbikes4ever ago

So I watched it and it's a weird movie, it's in French about some Muslim(?) black immigrants. The girls are imitating American rap videos through their slutty clothes and dances. It's on par with pageants and Abby Lee Dance show. In the end the main character girl chooses not to be a whore and runs out of the dance competition and finds a middle ground between gross slut and uber conservative parents, kinda just being a normal kid.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I cancelled when they created "Dear White People", and I called them up and told them why. The customer service rep "apologized" that I found it offensive, but I said I didn't find it offensive. "Offense is cheap. Everyone is offended these days and no one cares. I found it insulting." My exact words. I can see how Netflix took them to heart. Well, at least I don't give those jews any money.

MrDarkWater ago

Don't watch it. We don't want a review

the_magic_man ago

Cancel culture thrives with the easily offended snowflakes on the right.

HumanGenome ago

Cancelled mine last week because of this

GumbyTM ago

Anyone who has a jewflix account needs to made to watch this at gunpoint and then justify their continued support.

Start the shaming with your friends and family, force them to respond. There is no neutral ground anymore.

curiouserdude ago

Sounds illegal under U.S v. Knox

GumbyTM ago

I'm sure the jewish controlled legal system will prosecute the jewish owned media companies to the fullest extent of the law because the jewish owned press will demand it.

darkknight111 ago

Giving this the Toast flair.

Here here.

3141592653 ago

I'll light some tiki flames and pour the drinks

Vindicator ago

I think we need a bonfire

3141592653 ago

Good call!

petevoat ago

If society accepts pedophilia then why do you need to hide and manipulate it? Why not have open discussions and let the whole decide, right?

Maybe because.... 99% find it disgusting?

HeavyBrain ago

So far.

There was a time when 99% were disgusted by fagatory.

Now it feels like 50%-99% (depending on the age group) are brainwashed to pretend to like it.

ForgottenMemes ago

That number changes VERY quickly when they are exposed to stats about faggots. When the "two consenting adults" lie goes away so does all tolerance for it.

BaptismiPerIgnem ago

Yeah.. and the whole host of health problems and likelihoods that come with. Oh and the domestic abuse, depression and other mental disorders.

rumorhazard ago


ForgottenMemes ago

I don't have any links saved, and you'll have to look into the stats a little because enablers try to juke them (they'll say someone needs to have adult same sex relationships to be homosexual, but most fag pedos are exclusively attracted to children) but from memory fags are ~2% of the poplation (according to the CDC) and account for around half of the child rape.

Again they're trying to juke those stats. If look at men with 1 victim who is 15-17 they are nearly all hetro. Including them brings the percentage of fags to 40%, but if you're just looking at serial rapists of little kids around 2/3 have male victims.

Sunflowerz ago

I used to be pro lgbt until I saw the data and the obsession with corrupting children. I'm totally disgusted now.

paralentor ago

Crazy how fast it went from ' just let the two old ladies live together' to ' just let the little girls strip for old men'.

Vindicator ago


Wally777 ago

Think of the millions of girls who get raped by adult men before you equate homosexuality with kiddie fucking. Gay men aren't sticking their erect penises in little girls' vaginas. Cuties is aimed at heterosexuals.

ForgottenMemes ago

Despite being ~2% of the population, ~50% of pedophiles are faggots. The difference becomes even more pronounced if you exclude late teen victims and only look at small children. Non-faggot pedophiles deserve a bullet too, but "fags reproduce through abuse" bears out.

Wally777 ago

You wrongly assume that all adult men who fuck boys are exclusively homosexual. A large percentage of men who fuck boys are married to women, have children of their own, and also fuck girls.

ForgottenMemes ago

I never said you have to exclusively fuck boys to be a faggot. If you fuck boys or men at all you're a faggot. About 1/3 of pedophiles rape both little boys and little girls. They are still faggot pedophiles.

Basically_Hitler ago

What exactly do you mean by the two consenting adults lie? That they got molested as kids or something?

ForgottenMemes ago

Enablers try to hide the stats, but it's very clear that homosex is not some sort of healthy lifestyle or a something that otherwise normal people do. Average age of first sex for hetros is ~16 and typically with someone of the same age. For homos the bell curve is shifted 5 years younger, and almost always with someone who is much older.

The STD rates are off the charts. As are drug use, domestic violence and other serious problems. Nearly 100% of children adopted by gay couples are abused, most sexually. Pedophilia is extremely common, fags are 20x more likely to be kid touchers. Twenty times, let that sink in.

You can find anecdotal evidence of a fag who wasn't raped as a child and has lived a normal happy life with his boyfriend, but these are the exception not the rule.

3141592653 ago

I highly question these supposed statistics

3141592653 ago

Those links do not back up your claims

HeavyBrain ago

Yes I think he is refering to the fact that faggots procreate by raping kids.

Most faggots are faggots because of childhood trauma.

Wally777 ago

And you know this how?

Humansized ago

sorry you got diddled faggot. sucks for you, doesnt mean you have to hurt some kids too.

HeavyBrain ago

Know what?

What he (comment OP) thinks?! I dont.

That fags molest kids and were very likely molested themselfes?

The indicators are everywhere, hang around non leftists forums (not necessarily just voat or chans) and you see.

Exampels are that screencap of a fag forum where they all "chase the bug" and report on how they were abused for the first time as kids and "knew they were fags from then on"

Or how two fags adopted a little russian boy and were hailed for it in the press, till it came to light they were raping and pimping him (was also in the media)

How fags only adopt boys.

Those are jsut a few.

AltUserMe ago

Netflix probably views this as acceptable loss, or the cost of doing business. I doubt all of their income, leverage, or securities, is 100% based on subscription. Like Twitter trying as hard as they can to dump half their users, spending an enormous amount of money to do so. These companies are backed to hell from sources other than the market.

VicariousJambi ago

Income is only secondary for media companies. The primary goal is programming.

SearchVoatBot ago

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curiouserdude ago

Yeah, why would pro sports go woke when it's clearly bad for business? Service to the cabal is more important to these people than money.

undertheshills ago

Look no further than who owns the teams. Bunch of rich ass jews nigs and weirdos.

blueblur ago

I don’t see it trending on that link (not anymore at least).

3141592653 ago

You can check back hour-by-hour and see where it was #1. I took screenshots.

blueblur ago

Thanks yeah mentioned it for the fact that the hashtag seemed to be deplatformed or censored. Wouldn’t surprise.

boekanier ago

Yes, cancel (((netflix)))

NoBS ago

I'd be willing to pay money for the customer list in Oregon. Need to "borrow" the customer database for Netflix and find out if they have real customers. Time to name and shame.

blumen4alles ago

Obsessive Oregonian

notYOURfriend ago

It doesn't matter. Let's say 10% of netflix users cancel. Half of those will be back with the next season of American Idol is on, and there are tons more people signing up daily who have never heard of the Netflix pedophilia and "just want to watch a movie after work".

whitegirl ago

The type of person you’re describing is Bob And Sue Beercan. They aren’t the primary user demographic of Netflix and they can’t be what we’re basing the effectiveness of our dedication to this cause.

American Idol and shows like it are gonna be hard to watch when you can’t find a judge that hasn’t been accused of anything and hasn’t lead the culture astray.

Kill your Idols has a whole new meaning.

VoatsNewfag ago

If you had an employee or a team that causes you a 10% income hit over 3 months, wouldn't you be pissed?

Even if they don't go bancrupt (they most likely won't!), it will influence their future decisions.

And you cannot know how big, effective or long this boycott will be.

notYOURfriend ago

That's the thing, it's a temporary boycott.

It's like the drug dealer worrying about boycotts: he doesn't. He knows that he has his customers hooked and that they'll be back no matter what they say. They always come back.

VoatsNewfag ago

If his income is cut by 10% over the next 3 months when he expected his business to grow in that time, I think he will care.

It's not about bankrupting him but rather make him wary to do this shit again.

And you don't know how many of them will come back or never join because of this. There are also more conservative countries than america that might care!

kaloora ago

Either way it is supposed to happen. This country along with the world has lost it's morality. Essential, right is wrong and wrong is right, and we're living in upside down world anymore. And the more it is this way the less it will it go back any time soon. But hey, this is what is wanted..............Do what thou wilt...............

beefartist ago

It does matter and you don't know that people will come back, let alone how many. Many of the kind of people signing up for netflix are also on twitter. It is a BIG deal for many homes to give up netflix and although they may go to other services at least places like HULU or Amazon aren't pushing this hard on the paedo shit

3141592653 ago

Awarenesss of the cause still helps a lot

3141592653 ago

Sidenote: I just scannned through a MSM website's entertainment section to this if this was being talked about it. It actually was on there about halfway down, and was the story link without a picture-- which means the picture was either excluded completely or removed... Also a good sign, IMO.