KillerKap ago

he is such an ugly faggot


Photographer of JA: Max Hirshfeld

Lots of Photography of Haitian Orphanages Oraedah orphanage, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti



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Acid, ET's and The Order of the Dolphin Facility on St Thomas Island

During Christmas 1963, her brother-in-law mentioned a secret laboratory at the eastern end of the island where they were working with dolphins. She decided to pay the lab a visit early the following year. “I was curious,” Lovatt recalls. “I drove out there, down a muddy hill, and at the bottom was a cliff with a big white building.”

“Dolphins get sexual urges,” says the vet Andy Williamson, who looked after the animals’ health at Dolphin House. “I’m sure Peter had plenty of thoughts along those lines.”

“Peter liked to be with me,” explains Lovatt. “He would rub himself on my knee, or my foot, or my hand. And at first I would put him downstairs with the girls,” she says. But transporting Peter downstairs proved so disruptive to the lessons that, faced with his frequent arousals, it just seemed easier for Lovatt to relieve his urges herself manually.

“I allowed that,” she says. “I wasn’t uncomfortable with it, as long as it wasn’t rough. It would just become part of what was going on, like an itch – just get rid of it, scratch it and move on. And that’s how it seemed to work out. It wasn’t private. People could observe it.”

For Lovatt it was a precious thing, which was always carried out with great respect. “Peter was right there and he knew that I was right there,” she continues. “It wasn’t sexual on my part. Sensuous perhaps. It seemed to me that it made the bond closer. Not because of the sexual activity, but because of the lack of having to keep breaking. And that’s really all it was. I was there to get to know Peter. That was part of Peter.”

Innocent as they were, Lovatt’s sexual encounters with Peter would ultimately overshadow the whole experiment when a story about them appeared in Hustler magazine in the late 1970s. “I’d never even heard of Hustler,” says Lovatt. “I think there were two magazine stores on the island at the time. And I went to one and looked and I found this story with my name and Peter, and a drawing.”

Sexploitation: Hustler magazine's take on the story in the late 1970s

Sexploitation: Hustler magazine’s take on the story in the late 1970s. Photograph: Lilly Estate

Lovatt bought up all the copies she could find, but the story was out there and continues to circulate to this day on the web. “It’s a bit uncomfortable,” she acknowledges. “The worst experiment in the world, I’ve read somewhere, was me and Peter. That’s fine, I don’t mind. But that was not the point of it, nor the result of it. So I just ignore it.”

Something else began to interrupt the study. Lilly had been researching the mind-altering powers of the drug LSD since the early 1960s. The wife of Ivan Tors, the producer of the dolphin movie Flipper, had first introduced him to it at a party in Hollywood. “John and Ivan Tors were really good friends,” says Ric O’Barry of the Dolphin Project (an organisation that aims to stop dolphin slaughter and exploitation around the world) and a friend of Lilly’s at the time. “Ivan was financing some of the work on St Thomas. I saw John go from a scientist with a white coat to a full blown hippy,” he remembers.

numina18 ago

They sound like a bunch of stoners.

3141592653 ago

Nothing wrong with stoners

MysticMa ago

Stoners would actually be a compliment,,, JA's arrogance, combined with his multiple persona's like a twisted sister hag... Vile stained seed of the Rothchild's, capable/culpable of the abnormal would be more accurate.

TruthTooLight ago

This isn't new and I've posted that exact alefantis pic. I think I found em thru some chink faggot called Terence Koh who works w Rachel Chandler

twitter. com/ElemiFuentes/status/994266974288011264


@Vindicator @darkknight111 Is this all stuff 'we' already knew? I just want to be accurate in my post.

Vindicator ago

No. The only other post mentioning this is from a Donkey alt, which was probably a ploy to get people to pass on researching it. The strategy being: create a notorious and hated shill account, then use its alts to post research you want to have dismissed.

Looks worth digging into to me.

Truth2LightWAGAWAGA ago

LMFAO how does that even make sense, idiot? You'd post it on the SHILL account not the unknown alts, which defeats the entire purpose. Jesus Christ your own abject stupidity is a better deterrent to me than your bans. You're the people who think The Deep State flagged and DDoSd a thread they wanted to BURY; your expertise in "strategy" is as dubious as your sexuality.

I'm actually flabbergasted at how far this sub has fallen. Before your watch it was a dozen research threads a day. But I'M THE SHILL LOL!

Vindicator ago

Everyone knew that was your "legit" account. You admitted it publicly.

It was PuttItOut who said the Junkermann thread was the DDoS vector. He's the only one who would be in a position to know, anyway. Mods have no access to any admin level data.

You've been flabbergasted at the demise of this sub for over three years now. Yet for some reason, you're still here.

Gee...I wonder why.

darkknight111 ago

Check his. comment history. Its Donkey.

Also, his comments about combined -5000k and not giving a shit about the victims.

Vindicator ago

Oh good. Time to send another Donkey alt to the rendering plant. Thanks for the link.

darkknight111 ago

With his last comment, Donkey has crossed a new unforgiveable low.

Mocking the attempts to bring awareness to the crimes committed against Judith Barsi.

Truth2LightWAGAWAGA ago

Lmao who the fuck is Judith Barsi


Thank you. I'll check it out.

darkknight111 ago

TTL was a Donkey account. Known psychopath. Doesn’t give two shits about sex trafficking victims.

Believes all women should spend the rest of their lives locked up in “rape dungeons” starting at age 12.

Unrepetant Islam shill.

TruthTooLight ago

I don't think searchvoat works well at all and using Google for "[term]" doesn't work anymore either. We should obviously revive the pizzagate wiki so normies can just surf it


Youre earning your upvoats today! ;)

TruthTooLight ago

My accounts have a combined -5000 or so and I'm always right, so upvoats are stupid.

For ex another connection to Cargo Collective you should check out is a photographer called Wade Turnbull, whose since-deleted tweets were cited in the DailyKos piece that prompted my Dump Trump post /

..except the author updated it to say:

Authors Note-The Wade Turnbull I attributed to the Twitter posts was incorrectly identified as an individual with the same name. The Wade Turnbull quoted-who I did not speak with prior to this publication-is the owner of the website Cargo Collective. My apologies for the error.

So an insider who worked w Trump Models and "wasn't a fan of Hillary" provided testimony on Twitter but the MSM chose NOT to take this easy shot at Trump (since his campaign was anti illegal immigration but his agency committed immigration fraud).

Hard to imagine it isn't the same Wade Turnbull. But instead of finding that out just shill this thread which is more pertinent.

@darkknight111 aren't you always trying to start "ops" and don't you want trump to win? Make Kamala anti-black and a kikeshill

SearchVoat ago

Sorry to hear you don't find SV useful. Any specific comments about how I could improve it? Thanks!

Vindicator ago

SearchVoat is excellent.


I still dig it!