BeyondTheMatrix ago

I never really hated her the way so many people did. Sure, she definitely isn't the best role model for young women, but it saddens me to know she was a victim, too. I hope she finds peace and healing.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Except she's doing all this for relevancy, to rehab her image as a "serious" person.

Also, she attended Buckley. It's not a boarding school, and she quit before she graduated.

All this is easily verifiable.

3141592653 ago

Any links? Thx


OP has head in the sand.

Paris and Corey are still working for the club.

They are club members.

As long as they are still club members doing what club members do it doesn't matter how they got there.

3141592653 ago

Been fighting.this fight for over 20 years.

tankingwrong ago

"That's hot."

Fetalpig ago

So Ms Hilton,you gonna expose your father,with all his Hotels,where abuse from his friends took place? How about you and your sex kitten programmed sister? She gonna come out? Smells like someone is trying to preemptively cover their ass.

SearchVoatBot ago

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3141592653 ago

Any links? I do rememeber seeing some shady posts about her sister. Thx

fogdryer ago

It’s common knowledge the kids were spoiled. I don’t think one finished high school ....

I’ll wait for the documentary and even then I don’t know .....

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I remember the media pounding away at the "out of control" women like her, Nicole Richie, Brittney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan and getting the public on board with bashing them and I thought what the media was doing was despicable. Their families are fucking awful people and they all had public lives, and with Spears and Lohan, they were performing since a young age, depriving them of a proper childhood. I wasn't aware of the widespread abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood at the time, but I was aware that that kind of behavior comes from somewhere, not just "being wild", and it was like from sexual abuse. I had nothing but sympathy and pity for them because they were victims and had no control over their own lives in the same way as we think we do. (Freedom to be anonymous, freedom from surveillance, freedom from having your actions and movements directed and observed, etc.)

The wealthy are notoriously nasty people and believe that because they're wealthy, standard morality doesn't apply to them, so incest and pedophilia is rampant among the elite. What Paris Hilton sexually abused from a young age? I don't know, but it think it's extremely likely.

3141592653 ago

Kinda random, but i have an old memory of seeing late late night Craig Ferguson's talk show. Opening monologue

He commented how EVERY SINGLE late night tv show host comedian was making fun of these young girls-- especially Brittany... And how he thought that was Vile and refused to join in. I suddenly had MASSIVE RESPECT for him, which continued as i watched the show for a while. Wish it were still on!! He should replace that asshole Jimmy Kimmell.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I remember that monologue very well and I remember thinking the same thing about Craig Ferguson. He was literally the only one who took that stand. I also began to understand exactly how despicable were people in entertainment and media, that rather than have pity on these young girls, they would treat them like that, and wondered why taking a stand for decency as Ferguson had done (and as every one should have done), it was seen as such a brave and courageous act. I suppose in a way it was, because he probably had his orders like everyone else in media, and he defied them. Well, he's a Highland Scot and has old world ways, so I guess that would stand out in our degenerate jew-controlled society. (On different note, his show was one of a kind. He didn't have a scripted monologue, hell, I don't think he had any scripts. He improvised everything he said. He and his writers would plan some things broadly and he'd go out and just be funny. And he generally tried to work clean, if I remember correctly. Hell of a guy.)

3141592653 ago

So glad you rememeber this and felt the same way

Yes he seems like a great guy. Only late night show i ever loved.

3141592653 ago

Great comment

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah exactly. And remember that whole few months where they were programmed NOT to wear underwear in public and every night going out they were photographed upskirt getting out of cars. Paris was filmed so many times like that and some of the footage I recall it was as though she knew what the paps were doing and purposely moved her skirt up before getting out of the car. Britney too and Lindsay. It was so cringey and so obviously staged like some kind of humiliation ritual they were all programmed to do.

millennial_vulcan ago

They were all taking hourly grams of coke too so made them even more promiscuous.Nicole Richie during her scary skinny stage was doing heroin with that idiot Barton girl from The OC and the “FIRECROTCH” dude. Brittney was shaving her head because of her own programming.

It was all hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

3141592653 ago

I remember that brief period when Lindsay Lohan was bff's (at least in the media) with Nicole Richie, and Lindsay became terrifyingly skeletal :(

Lansing-Michigan ago

Truthseeker......think you are right. Dehumanizing degrading behavior is pushed by the dark ones. Remember watching Ellen DeGeneres a few times and how the women screamed and jumped up and down. Were asked to take part in shameful stunts for a few hundred dollars. Knew she was one of "them' before the news came out by that alone. ........more extreme is eating feces etc.

3141592653 ago

Was that on her show??

OpakapakaCaca ago

Or they were just nasty skanks high on their own PR and whatever drugs they were taking at the time.

3141592653 ago

How old were they?

OpakapakaCaca ago

Idk, Paris has bragged about being a club kid and "bicoastal" since she and her parents were living in the Waldorf in New York. Tons of videos of her out there. She loves attention. And that's why she's doing this revamp now. More attention.

millennial_vulcan ago

Yes, I just wrote the same thing before seeing your comment! :)

TripleZ ago

Oh please. I saw that whore suck cock on camera. Now she's going for the abuse angle? Not buying it. She's desperate to be relevant.

I'd say relevant again but I don't think that vapid cunt was ever relevant.

PatriotOne ago

And people wonder why these child stars don't come forward more often about being sexually abused. This comment is an example. An atmosphere of safety and not blaming the victims needs to be created, not this kind of reaction.

TripleZ ago

She was an adult when she filmed herself having sex with her boyfriend. I assume agency in adults.

PatriotOne ago

Clearly you are unfamiliar with child sexual abuse. The damage done psychologically lasts a lifetime. She is a victim and clearly has been controlled by mind control throughout her life....including her parents. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to know or want to know her parents were involved in her grooming.

TripleZ ago

I think you're using the word clearly wrong. It's not clear at all. She could very well be nothing but a vacuous narcissist that thrives on attention - any attention. As they say, all publicity is good publicity. Where is your proof she was sexually abused as child? You have none.

PatriotOne ago

You have a lot to learn on this subject TripleZ.

TripleZ ago

I don't doubt there is some weird shit going on at the level of the elite but I also don't believe things without at least some proof. What proof do you have that she was abused as a child? You can't make assumptions on guilt in our particular legal system. Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. You haven't provided a scintilla of evidence that she was abused.

3141592653 ago

Who was the male? Her boyfriend? Not to mention.... Willingness to do that on camera most likely = severe childhood sexual abuse.

millennial_vulcan ago

It was already revealed on some blog. She’ll talk about what happened to her at her boarding school in Utah. Doesn’t sound like she’s making it up. Here is their Yelp with negative comments stretching back years.

Also, when you’ve scrolled to the bottom, click on the link that says “24 other reviews that are not currently recommended”

That’s not to say she wasn’t also most likely raped from a young age @Truthseeker3000 She has the most obvious case of arrested development seen in any celebrity ever. Her vocabulary and mannerisms are like a four year olds, so that’s probably when it first happened.

3141592653 ago

Terrifying reviews. Great insight about the arrested development

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes agreed. It’s just really odd that out of the blue, there is a boarding school for delinquent youth in Utah that she attended. Her story has always been New York and LA and that she had some stalker at a young age (yeah, really I’m dead serious)!! She moved from NY to LA because of the stalker and grew up with Nicole Richie and the others. Then in her later years she’s back in NY going to the bars with Nicky who was really underage tagging along. Now they seem to be making the story a little different saying the nightlife came first but I’m not sure that is the original correct time frame of her supposed story. Remember, the Hilton family is a bloodline euro one so nothing but SRA and family knowing everything that happens to these kids and willingly handing them over to be abused. You can tell she’s got very young alters when she talks in that baby voice. Highly doubt the family is going to let her talk about the real abuse that happened like the family stuff and programming. Also, she is the first born and first born is the sacrifice unfortunately.

millennial_vulcan ago

Just like Ivy and the Rothies. LOL, Nicky as a new Rothie and old Hilton will have to sacrifice all her kids.

Wish the Hilton family didn’t interest me as much as they do but I find them fascinating. Remember “Paris Exposed” when some goons paid for her unpaid storage locker and put the contents up online. Google Paris Exposed. First item in google. Tons of stuff around that time (2007) with Joe Francis. Feel like that guy was a shell company for money laundering no way he made that much moola with the stupid girls gone wild. SAME with Kylie Jenner and her cheap Chinese crap lipsticks. LOL, “BILLIONAIRE”.

Hey journalists + vloggers, who come here to stalk - EXPOSE THESE FRAUDS!

3141592653 ago

Oh thats right, it was put out there without her consent. Joe Francis is a monster.

reason247 ago

She is covering.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wouldn’t necessarily blame the boarding school as much as her own family for her abuse. Her family is completely fucked and her father and grandfather have been said to have sexually abused them as children. The daughter of another elite family came out and said she was abused with Nicky Hilton at some facility which was satanic ritual abuse in nature and it happened regularly for years. I also recall Carolyn Limaco talking about this family a couple years ago. I know people claim she is untrustworthy and whatnot but she had a lot of really strong points in some of her videos about them. Also, did anyone ever verify if the Rick real estate mogul famous family was actually rick Hilton who Virginia Guiffre was sent to be raped by from orders of Epstein. Anyone remember that? Paris Hilton does not even look like the same person from her early childhood photos to young adult. She had blue eyes then brown eyes and her hair never grew in her late teens as apposed to her young years of long hair. Her hair when famous has always been short and she has to wear hair extensions and hair pieces. This always struck me as odd considering when young her hair was long and grew normally.

OpakapakaCaca ago

The blue eyes are contacts. That's been a known fact. Also, she attended Buckley with Kim Stewart, Nicole Richie and a few other well known girls. It's not a boarding school. They would have skirt hiking contests to see who could get away with the shortest length.

She's full of shit, trying to rehab her image and just your run of the mill spoiled rich skank.

millennial_vulcan ago

From March, last year:

What was that about? Rick airing dirty laundry on IG? Things that make you go hmmm.

More interesting than Paris and Nicky are their even more fucked up brothers!

i_scream_trucks ago

paris hilton married to a rothschild? or banging one?

3141592653 ago

I think Nicky is

Truthseeker3000 ago

YES I knowwww!!! Conrad and Barron. Barron married some German aristo daughter who (cringe) looks exactly like him, they look like brother and sister and when she’s not wearing makeup she looks like his twin, especially around the time she cut her hair short. Bizarre. And Conrad is absolutely beyond fucked. Remember the court footage and he was completely out of it, also some hotel room footage where he’s talking about hookers and money and his family. Poor kids fucked. He was also charged with stalking his ex girlfriend too a while back. They claim he’s been in drug rehab but he’s probably suffering from the abuse and programming.

That article is also telling. So she is probably at the age where programming breaks and knows her father is a piece of shit. Have u ever seen Kathy Hilton’s decorating in her home, all the holidays are WAY over the top as if to make up for something. Rick always films shit check it out lol!!

millennial_vulcan ago

Hilton millions made Barron + Conrad’s drug adventures disappear from MSM, LOL. I remember reading somewhere that B + C were tortured at their private school over Paris’ sex tape. They were like 13 + 14 at the time. So I feel some sympathy for them.

Love to know the real deeeeeep skeletons in the Hilton closet. Weird that Paris never married or had a kid to carry around as an accessory. Wonder if the cumulative total of rapes over the years has damaged her internally, but there is always fake moon bump + surrogate. Not like she wouldn’t have loved the attention.

Kathy Hilton always claimed she and Michael Jackson were best friends since childhood. Michael apparently asked her permission to call his own daughter Paris. How were they even friends? Hope Kathy didn’t leave Barron + Conrad alone with MJ.

RootOfNXIVM ago

How does Paris know Samantha Marq? How did they both know Mark Salling from Glee? What happened to Mark? What movie was Mark in prior? Why did Mark have CP? How did he die? What happened to Cory and Naya?

Who else has Samantha worked with, and who is she related to?

How is Racine connected with the Carolinas, New York and Los Angeles?

What are Core, Bohemian, Belizean, Bilderberg, Trilateral, SNCTIM and NXIVM?

What is True Blood? What is Scientology? How do you control someone from cradle to grave?

How are both Celebrity and Cellebrite employed? What if you know everyone’s secrets? How did Paris and Kim go ‘viral’?

What did Weinstein have from Jennifer and others? What is malware? What is TikTok? Why apps and smart phones? What will quantum computing enable?

How are NXIVM and others connected with the Knights of Pythias? What is the story of Pythias? What is The Fellowship?

Expose the Root.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Rootofnexivm..........wish you would just spit it out. But from NC. it is much darker than most people realize. Duke University has been named as mkultra training ground. Ft Bragg close by is one of the top psy op military bases. Blackwater was started there. Burroughs Wellcome has HQ there door in pizza gate (?) had Well on it the other Come. Linked to Tavistock.........Joe Ryan (sp) who started an entire dept on extrasensory perception at Duke was so close to my dad that they each knew when the other was going to call. My dad was in a pedophile ring with doctors prominent people in it........don't know how he got into that lofty group as we were dirt poor and he was the town drunk....Anyway Joe Ryan Joe was German ,my dad's mother still spoke German.........could go on and on. Oh,I did. Sorry.

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL. Please continue :) I would love to see an expose on DUKE. Two good buddies went there. One of them definitely came out far more weird than when she went in.

millennial_vulcan ago

I’d be interested to know a Paris and Salling connection. He was hot, just her type, no doubt they boned.

Wonder what they were involved in. Paris’ globetrotting DJ “career” is supposed to be a front for humans & drug running.

thebearfromstartrack ago

IT appears SOME women (porn doers) don't have a problem with goofing around with their toys. Other women, think it's the end of their world. Still other women simply USE it to their ADVANTAGE (money, fame, etc). Which is it?

3141592653 ago

One thing we know is it IS almost always a result of childhood sexual abuse

thebearfromstartrack ago

IS that what happened to Paris eye?

3141592653 ago


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Or she could just ACTUALLY REVEAL IT instead of pulling a Feldman and tying to make money off of EXPOSING PEOPLE WHO FUCK KIDS.

3141592653 ago

Maybe she will. Its not an easy thing to do and can be dangerous. I for one was very impressed with Corey's documemtary and thought it was very brave.

Joe10jo ago

But did Corey tell us anything we didn’t already know? ...and there ya have it.

3141592653 ago

Yes. He clearly implicated Charlie Sheen. Also, although these names are not big today, he named 2 names that were Huge at the tine: Bobby and Albert Hoffman.

millennial_vulcan ago

I love Corey too. I think he is so brave. I wish people would understand that he can’t just outright name the dudes at the very top.

halinflorida ago

An ex-girlfriend told me she was abused as a toddler by an uncle and she said the worst thing was the shame she felt every time someone talked about abuse or more to the point, sexual abuse of children because she enjoyed it and thought it was something special. She thought her uncle really loved her and all that. When she learned how adults feel about it, she felt shame and still feel shame that she liked it. She says those are the deepest scars and kids like her often become highly sexualized such as becoming prostitutes.

darkknight111 ago

Sounds about right (as in most logical conclusion given what we know).

Piscina ago

Yes, child rape is not brutal or forced. These children are groomed, manipulated and exploited, and they respond physiologically. If there was not the grooming aspect, it would have to be forced. That's what makes these paedophiles so heinous: they make the child think it's consensual. That is the mindfuck aspect. That's why there's so much shame.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Piscina.......thank you for that comment.....was sexually abused as a child and your comment helps me to understand my own behavior. Very helpful in putting the puzzling pieces together.

Piscina ago

I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope the person who did it to you suffers a long and painful death. I wish we could wipe child abusers off the planet. Sorry for my late reply.

i_scream_trucks ago

my ex fiancee and her sister both got done by one of the rotherham rape gangs. one of their family friends found out and know what he did? did it to them again.

halinflorida ago

They are completely fucked up. I'm not one who believes victim-hood is to be worshiped. My brother and his wife are psychiatrists and I've just had occasion to talk about this stuff over the years. Most kids think they have a favorite uncle who has a talking sock puppet they pull out of their pants and the kids who are vulnerable probably have parents who are addicts and most absent. The kids are starved for love and when this uncle shows them some love, they are hooked they love the attention. It feels good or often it does. Only they start to learn they are being abused and learn the tricks how this uncle manipulates them so being sexualized as a child and learning to manipulate men and combine that with inheriting their parents DNA and a host of other things, they become little monsters themselves or become frigid. They're messed up people. I had a string of older women who were live-in girlfriends. I guess I fell victim because I was very young when I developed physically. I never had abuse at home but I was a bold child and self assertive and I guess the word is, "horney." So I had older girlfriends and guess what. Mostly they were molested as kids. That's how they got sexualized and I found that appealing when I was 13. It was a mistake for me because I'm smart but didn't apply myself in school. I didn't go to college until middle age. My father died when I was young and I became mostly emancipated and guess what I spent my time on. Yep, all the wrong things. Paris Hilton was likely emancipated too. She probably got little attention from her parents and they probably gave her money to make her not bother them. But just because those people were victims, doesn't excuse them. Especially once they become adults.

Vindicator ago

What a mess. :-( I'm sorry you got tangled up in that.

It never ceases to amaze me how contagious evil is.

Conejo_loco ago

That is really heartbreaking

3141592653 ago

Thanks much for sharing this. Important.

Fried-Laptop ago

You just KNOW there are gonna be alot of ' it was Hawt!' on the cutting room floor from that thing

3141592653 ago

Is that her catchphrase?

Wheatstone ago

She could be a victim but she may actually be one of the abusers that is now claiming victim status ahead of a damaging revelation.

Time will tell.

Victims can be very sexually promiscuous but the psychopaths are too. She also exhibits very selfish and narcissistic traits that point to this.

If she was a victim she would be far more empathic rather than narcissistic which she clearly is.

3141592653 ago

Idk... IMHO I think these ideas about her are preconceived notions as a result of the way the media has portrayed her and perhaps the way she has presented herself in the media (mostly at a very young age.)

There is no evidence at all of her being an abuser, so I don't think its fair to speculate on that. Especially if that speculation is related to her being a victim, as the vast vast majority of survivors do NOT become abusers. Just my perspective.

Wheatstone ago

The ones that become abusers exhibit narcissistic and psychotic behaviour where they make themselves the centre of attention at any cost.

She is showing all these signs.

Yes it is fair to speculate when these predators always play the victim.

Her behaviour in no way matches that of a victim. But it does match that of an abuser. But we will see when the truth comes out.

3141592653 ago

I look forward to seeing the full documentary.