Lansing-Michigan ago

"NBC has noted that in response to these moves by the social media giants, QAnon adherents have begun camouflaging their messaging by dropping the QAnon label and adopting a "save the children" message in reference to the alleged sex trafficking."

Lansing-Michigan ago

Shaun Attwood has had Kevin Annette on his you tube several times talking about queen , phillip & the ten missing Native children from the Canadian boarding school. .....Kevin says ...."Policy in the Catholic church that when a child is raped , the police are not to be called or you are excommunicated."

siegnagel ago

They were yelling Paedophile Protectors at the Police at Whitehall, just off Downing Street.

tech-adm ago

There's been child trafficking protests going on in LA too that the mainstream media won't touch. The media is a joke nowadays. They're all in bed with each other and all agenda driven. Its exhausting trying to find the truth.

plancktonne ago

I wonder whether the British Establishment haven't suppressed this Anti-Pedo story because they fear The Mob will turn their attention to paedophiles?

If The Mob is setting up a small guillotine outside Jeff Bezos (world's first two-hundred-billion-dollar super-billionaire) DC mansion, even though Jeff instructed Amazon to kick in some millions to the donation package put together for BLM by Corporate America, what's to stop The Mob from turning on Hollywood's beloved paedophile celebs? They might set up individual guillotines along Hollywood Blvd. on certain star's stars.

Has Jeff thought of offering peasants cake? Free home delivery via Amazon.


I believe the crest was removed from the gates as were the windows boarded up from the inside.

millennial_vulcan ago

DM posts daily inflammatory stories about Ginger and Cringer to detract from Royal pedos.

Queeny and Phil are hiding in another palace as noise about the missing British Columbia kids they - allegedly - used for a Hunger Games party in 1964 grows LOUDER.

3141592653 ago

Is this the same story as the Queen literally going to a First Nations boarding school and abducting some of the children?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Not the same story but continuation. When bodies were dug up behind the boarding school. It was only bones. Over 50% of the Native children died there. Genocide and probably more.

fogdryer ago

It would be wonderful if it’s true , them being aware of their


millennial_vulcan ago

Yes. I couldn’t be bothered posting links, figuring anyone who regularly comes here would already know this story :)

Lansing-Michigan ago

What about new people? Or people who can't fathom it?

millennial_vulcan ago

Your mom can school ‘em.

Truthseeker3000 ago

yes and the schools were Catholic run boarding schools. It happened on Oct 10 64 so 10-10-10 and coincides with some occult story of Jobs Daughters and proving their sacrifice to Lucifer (something along those lines). When the man who was supposed to testify was about to leave for his flight in Vancouver for England, he was accosted by police and sent to a hospital where he was injected with poison and died. The story was that he went to the hospital to have tests done because he was sick. He was not sick and his family has spoken out. Catholic run boarding schools were placed all over Canada with the blessing of the crown to convert native children to catholic and English speaking citizens but many were abused and murdered.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Truthseeker.......The crimes are truly shown in the cover up. The story is so fantastic without this validation.

millennial_vulcan ago

They gotta bump Phil off any day now? Huge distraction they need. No one would dare touch solo Queeny.

I hope the souls of these poor children will find peace soon. And that clear evidence of their passing comes to light. Maybe then the sheeple will burn down Bucks Palace.

3141592653 ago

All over America too. I know a few people whose parents went thru it. It's horrible. Didn't know about that occult aspect-- will look into it. Thanks for the info

3141592653 ago

Wow, protests right down the hollywood boulevard of stars. Maybe this is when Tom Hanks' star was vandalized