InnocentAngels ago Post made 3.6 years ago pertaining to this.

YogSoggoth ago

Don't click on the will hillary win link, you will be cyber attacked. It just says someone on the other end is trying to get information on you.

InnocentAngels ago

Thanks, and I didn't. Just wanted to post where someone else went down that road already.

YogSoggoth ago

Some people have attacked me because I never create my own post. Not sure how, and I have a demanding day job/other. Here is more though,

InnocentAngels ago

Really not sure who you are talking about since very few people posting now. I didn't click your link. I don't know why you even care what others have to say about whether you start a thread or not.

YogSoggoth ago

Someone I up vote all the time for years, and I wish I had more time to do stuff. The link is a twitter feed that shows a disgusting new show coming soon on netflix. I just try to share here. Do my small part.

rickman2 ago

Enty ran a blind about a politician who not only slept her way to the top but was taken to swinger parties and photographic evidence exists of her servicing some VIPs. The belief is this is Kamala Harris.

plancktonne ago

Were Ed Buck, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew and Kevin Spacey also invited? If not Tony made a grave social error.

EnemyOfTheDeepState ago

I used to think these connections were coincidental but not any more. Worldwide Pedo Cabal!

EricKaliberhall ago

Share flair is activated.

MercurysBall2 ago

The SHOCKING truth about Kamala Harris. San Francisco man shares his story about how Kamala Harris protected child sexual abusers & buried their cases as prosecutors.

Watch the full heartbreaking Video here

There's a short clip of the film on that tweet. The YT video has already been pulled.

The extreme censorship that I'm seeing today is shocking. Someone put up a tweet about German doctors and lawyers forming a coalition to challenge the state about its handing of COVID19 and his account was suspended just a few minutes later.

plancktonne ago

So Harris was enforcing unfair and racist drug laws (like crack cocaine vs powdered cocaine) against Blacks and other minorities while giving a pass to what were undoubtedly largely White clergy for pedophilia.

Remember when our fair and unbiased media, which bleats daily about racial equality, ran constant horror tales about an epidemic of twitching crack babies from the ghetto, who were permanently disabled by their moms' crack addiction and would need permanent care in perpetuity by kindly Whites? How many crack babies were taken into care and then sold on?

albeit ago

Thanks for sharing that. There was also a short segment on Tucker Carlson last night that reported that Kamala Harris as California AG would not prosecute any clergy for child molestation: It wasn't an interview with a victim however.

Those of us who are aware of how corrupt these social/media companies are need to get into the habit of saving videos that have even the slightest possibility of being censored. There is a revolving door with democrat campaign staff and senior management at social/media companies. One recent example is the "senior communications manager" twitter employee who censored a Trump tweet last week worked for the Kamala Harris campaign. By having an offline copy on our own computers, we are empowered to reupload them to other hosts. Tools like youtube-dl (works for all major sites), browser extensions, websites like, or whatever else does the job.

I went ahead and used youtube-dl to download, then I reuploaded the instagram video: Somehow I have a feeling that it won't be long before facebook removes access to it.

MercurysBall2 ago

Good idea. I'll have to set up an IG account to do the same.

Richard_Kranium ago

I don’t think Instagram is the best long term answer. Anyone know who owns it, or their censorship policies?

Bitchute seems to be reliable, as it’s based on the blockchain. Also, advertises itself as a free speech/censorship free site for videos. A lot of banned YouTube show up on both.

Also, is a good place to store websites and videos, however I am not sure if things can be ultimately deleted from there or not. There should probably be some research into the best archival sites to use.