Angelis_Solaris ago

Everything sensible is a "right wing dog whistle" to them.

Podge512 ago

Gratifying to know that the rape hoaxing Rolling Stone is opposed to 'dangerous conspiracy theories'!

Popad ago

Accident, what a joke, they should have made the doll fart when the button is pushed.

kazza64 ago

if you've seen the doll it looks like the doll is enjoying being touched in the vagina its a grooming tool and a pretty sneaky one at that most parents wouldnt initially look for that button when they buy the doll for their child


The Dark Virality of a Hollywood Blood-Harvesting Conspiracy - A centuries-old anti-Semitic myth is spreading freely on far-right corners of social media—suggesting a new digital Dark Age has arrived.

BRIAN FRIEDBERG 07.31.2020 09:00 AM

THE DARK AGES were rife with plague, fanaticism, and accusations that Jews secretly fed off the blood of children. In 2020, we too are beset with plague, rampant medical misinformation, and a persistent rumor that “global elites” torture children to harvest the chemical adrenochrome from their blood, which they then inject in order to stay healthy and young.

A favorite topic of interconnected QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy communities, so-called “adrenochrome harvesting” long predates these groups. It has, however, resurrected during the Covid-19 pandemic. Google Trends shows significant spikes in searches for adrenochrome in March and June of 2020. It’s prevalent on TikTok, Youtube, and Instagram. Reddit removed a dedicated adrenochrome subreddit on July 30. On Friday, July 31, conspiracy theorists plan to hold the first “Child Lives Matter” protest in Hollywood to “expose” child trafficking, advertising the event with references to adrenochrome .

cueanon2 ago

Stupid lookin doll, looks like Greta Thunberg's even more retarded sister.

Vindicator ago

I file this under "Winning!" Cheers!


ARE THESE PEOPLE STUPID? Look at the comments of the RS article the people are waking up. Each move They make seems to backfire or give more credibility to the things They wish to dismiss. They mention "Fall Of The Cabal" and end the article with :

“We have the power to stop the sexual exploitation & pedophile grooming of our children. Even with the Fake News & Big Tech censorship, we cannot be stopped. There’s too many of us who are awake — keep fighting patriots! God Wins!”

I know we will have to counter these optics, BUT as they say in Hollywood: "There is no such thing as bad publicity" ...

The only "expert" "author" they quote (definitely moonlights as a Facebook fact checker & voat troll) :

Mike "No I swear Im not a Rothschild" Rothschild

They claim he has a "book" in the article to make it sound like he is more qualified than the shill blogger he is

Although child sexual abuse and child trafficking are real and serious issues, the cause has been coopted by QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theorists, whose beliefs are predicated on the idea that a cabal of powerful elites is engaging in a massive child trafficking ring. “The Q movement in general is shot through with hysteria over rescuing imaginary children from the horrors of trafficking and pedophilia” says Mike Rothschild, writer of the book The World’s Worst Conspiracies. “[Obviously], pedophilia and sex trafficking are real and horrible and nobody wants those things to happen. But there is no evidence of organized trafficking rings, pedophilic ‘symbols’ being used by such people, or that Q has contributed to the ‘saving’ of any children.” RS


His work in debunking conspiracies has been cited in articles or interviews by the New York Times, Snopes, NBC News, Vice, Right Wing Watch, Christian Science Monitor, Politifact, Huffington Post, The Week, Quartz, Cracked, Daily Kos, Raw Story, the Daily Beast, Salon, Harper’s Magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, Buzzfeed, Daily Beast, CNN and many others.


cracks knuckles

Vindicator ago


NoBS ago

At least the pedo protectors are willing to double down on Institutional Pedophilia. Advertising will be their down fall.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Piscina ago

That is one rubbish piece of journalism. A reader would have to be a cretin to believe 'it was an accident'.

BlowjaySimpson ago

(((EJ Dickson)))

AngryInVirginia ago

I stopped reading after this:

"he button between its legs wasn’t actually a button, but a sensor that was intended to be activated when the doll sat down."

Vindicator ago

That doesn't explain the sounds it made when "activated", now, does it?

That doll was one of the biggest red pills I've seen since the beginning of pizzagate.

Really glad you posted this update @darkknight111. I'm giving this our "Cheers!" flair.

Hodgkinsnick ago

Terrible article. They have excuses for everything

3141592653 ago

What a bullshit article

Blacksmith21 ago

Rolling Stones HQ should have the doors locked and burned down along with its occupants and Mike Rothschild as they accelerant..

SearchVoatBot ago

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Blacksmith21 ago

What's the matter Mike? Feeling a little threatened? Walls closing in? World falling apart?

Marku1 ago

Yeah, keep it or just stfu

Blacksmith21 ago

It was a hyperbolic statement. I'm not advocating violence against anyone. At least not yet.

SirSighAlot ago

He is right. They still aren't scared

They know that the police and laws will protect them.

(I do not advocate any harm to anyone who fucks children)