MerrylandYBeerHeenya ago

OP, please highlight his IMDB and in your original post. People need to immediately see his credibility.

abramowitz ago

Sure, many of the satanic elite are Khazars (one of the first memory holes was Simon of Trent. several rabbis were caught mutilating the eponymous toddler) but most Jews are neutral and ignorant. Some have even come out about esotericism and ritual abuse embedded in the talmud as well as ritual abuse/murder of Palestinians.

kiep ago

I'm watching now the movie "A Child's Voice".

It was released on June 8, 2018.

At the start they performed ritual sacrifice on that little boy they kidnapped.

Vindicator ago

@BadBoyBubby, please edit this submission to explain who John Paul Rice is, with a brief summary of the video content, per Rules 1 and 3. Most regular v/pizzagate readers will not click on links otherwise. Thanks. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit.

EricKaliberhall ago

24 hour Grace flair, removed.


Vindicator ago
