MilitaryTribunals ago

Curious why she wouldn't have US Marshall security detail assigned to her for such a high profile case.

Vindicator ago

Excellent point

volunteerwork2020 ago

Fedex again.

SearchVoatBot ago

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eucalyptus_spearmint ago

That's terrible stuff, despite what some absolutely disgusting people are saying in the comments. I'm going to hope that they are paid to discredit pedogate because the idea they are glad someone was murdered is far worse.

Vindicator ago

I think option A is probably correct.


Police say that Judge Salas was in the basement at the time of the shooting.

This strikes me as odd. The word Basement comes up a lot - potential msm code ?.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Piscina ago

The veritable shot across the bows. Horrible.

thebearfromstartrack ago

What was is race?

Get SHIT SKINS OUT of MY nation!!! OUT of MY justice system!

500five ago

Ugly spic judge, shooter didn't complete the job.

TheManyHands ago

She has a different surname to her alleged husband and son. This article is shit. Can you share a decent source?

keksupreme ago

with jews we lose

Fetalpig ago

suspish, the hitman wasn't a professional, if she was the target she would be pushing daisys.

Piscina ago

She was not the target.

tokui ago

Gunman stopped and left - he knew she was home (vehicles, surveillance).

She was not the target. She may have hired the hit.

gorofear ago

Why would she hire the hit on her own family

tokui ago

I need to ask her. Target was not her, obviously.

Aasb ago

So she doesnt have to deal with the Epstein case lol

I don't think thats the case

TripleZ ago

Or it might be a message to her to go easy in the upcoming trial.

Lingon ago

If that was her only kid she has nothing left to lose and will not care about going easy on anything.

beefartist ago

If she is a judge and didn't have her kid until her husband was 40+ he isn't as important to her as you think

Lingon ago

In all likelihood she's like the vast majority of mothers in the world, who lives for her children. You don't know how much you love your child until you have them regardless. She could've had 20 miscarriages for 20 years trying to have children, I assume you haven't looked that deep in to it.

beefartist ago

I know all about miscarriages. Don't buy the feminist hype; you can't be a high level judge or lawyer and a top notch mom.

KillKillary ago

True. The false idea of feminazism is that women can have it all. Something always suffers for Mothers whom have a career.

beefartist ago

It isn't that I want to take anything away from women...quite the opposite. I want to give them what their husbands didn't have the courage to. My wife has friends who rushed "back to work" after birth and put their children in the care of strangers...infants may not quite understand but they know who their mother is and who is not...there are bonds not created that can never be made later on.