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EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @tokui,

We appreciate you sharing this link, but unfortunately we no longer accept 'share a link' posts on this sub. Please see the new Rule 6 in the sidebar.

Please repost this link as a 'discuss' post, along with a brief summary of how it is related to our investigation. Or repost in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thank you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

W T A F -

Why hasn't this troll been banned for posting this?

@Vindicator @heygeorge @MadWorld @think-

heygeorge ago

EricKaliberhall [M] 5 days ago

Hey @tokui,

We appreciate you sharing this link

Fuckin lol,

sort of

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well, evidently @Vindicator doesn't care. probably blocked me. Oh well. too bad no one else cares, either. Sad.