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MercurysBall2 ago

@argosciv I'm beginning to think Wayfair needs to be in the spotlight.. I have no time today coz family.. but I'm dropping some quick links.. look into Kidco ...

Wayfair used to be CSN Stores..

Notice on Kidco's website they avoid any names:

Ken Kaiser, CEO

Father Dan Kaiser also at Kidco but story gets weird there.. fill that in later..

Kidco twitter account

Kidco philanthropy - March of Dimes (that involves Dalk Institute and a whole other story)

Kaiser Family Foundation

Andrea Jung is one of Wayfair's directors..

KidCo Names New President

argosciv ago

I'm still heavily reserved.

Some of what you're posting I have already seen from various sources.

I just... maybe I'm looking at it with the wrong lens, but it just feels too easy and simultaneously too contentious.

I'm willing to let the chips fall where they may of course, but for some reason my gut says "inoragnic".

My gut isn't always correct, I won't pretend it is. If something definitive comes of it I will gladly eat my humble pie.

cueanon2 ago

Get on the twitter threads and gasp, #wayfairgate, #wayfair sku, #wayfair, etc.

MercurysBall2 ago

feels too easy

agree... but it also seems to be a company with Deep State links.. don't worry I'll look further into Kidco myself later..

argosciv ago

If you so desire, but for a moment I have to facepalm...

Now some dingus is claiming there's a relation to the alleged but never proven "Kappy deadman switch":

Whole thing fucking reeks from my perspective. Sorry. But what the fuck.

Best I just, as said earlier, stay away from it until someone can prove something beyond all doubt.

kestrel9 ago

Dingus is right. kek That was a painful video to listen to. Idiot still doesn't know what a water pitcher is.