AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

Heh, so y'alls racism is so foul that even a world-class group of child rapists didn't want to come back? lol

I'm loving the GMaxwell capture though so I had to come back for a bit. Work it out, fellows.

MercurysBall2 ago

Y'all need to look at Y Combinator, the company behind voat.

Vindicator ago

What i am getting at, is i think maxwell had OTHER accounts on voat, and bad accounts posting malicious content, and i suspect that there will be gaps in posting with those accounts that will coincide with the gaps in posting on her reddit accounts. I have no idea where to begin on this and we will probably need u/puttitout to help with this.

@MadWorld might be able to help with this. MadWorld, see OP.

Brotherhoodlum ago

Interestingly, r/againsthatesubreddits had been accused by former followers of planting CP in subreddits they wished to shut down. It makes you wonder where they got the material and if Maxwell was the source

MercurysBall2 ago

sinclair ago

She might have delegated it. Voat isn't exactly a population that's easily persuadable; and the platform isn't as exploitable as plebit. I agree, not worth her time and effort.

Vindicator ago

That wouldn't necessarily have been known at the time the accounts were created, though. It could have been a top-down corporate-type decision to create accounts on all possible platforms to be exploited at a future date.

Have spent nearly four years here busting shills, I can tell you that one of the main "tells" is that they don't have a clue what kind of culture they've stumbled into. They proceed as if Voat is Reddit. It's a dead giveaway.

I could see accounts being abandoned when they realized goats will chew the bumper off a jeep.

MercurysBall2 ago

I could see accounts being abandoned when they realized goats will chew the bumper off a jeep.

Absolutely. Lol.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

It's a possibility. I find it weird that we had this push of cp right when the site tried to get off the ground, but then when the banned sub reddits went here they suddenly vanished. It may be that they assumed that the npcs would never come here, because they are programmed to sperg out when they see nigger.

There may be plenty of details that i am missing. However, the maxwell rabbit hole is deep. Her sister invented a site called magellon, which later on became excite. They also start up fund other sites too. They literally created aggregate sites.

Cicoisplenty ago

I wouldn't call it open racism as opposed to just free speech. People who believe in it cling to it and protect it. That's what kept voat alive.

AssfaceSandwich4or5 ago

Free speech and open racism can be one. Just freely say racist things. There is no disconnect there. It's almost as if you think "Free Speech" HAS to come with open racism. Some that speak freely actually don't like racism. Just a thought.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

It's a good canary. Journalists will never say nigger or faggot. It's also been pointed out that jewish posters never say kike or Jesus.

BigFatDaddy ago

What if Maxwell was u/She?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I have been here for over 5 years, yet have never had a run in with that user.

BigFatDaddy ago

Its a famous Voat legend at this point. U/She was the very first wannabe powermod on Voat who got downvoated into oblivion by the users until she deleted and was (supposedly) run off the site. This was even before Amelek. I came to Voat around the time of v/fatpeoplehate and v/niggers and the u/She story had already become something of a meme. It's REALLY curious for you to have been here 5 years and not know about it.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I came with gamer gate. I was one of the people that was shadow baned before they started doing the crazy purges at reddit. I heard of this place through i think kotaku in action? I mostly hang around v/redpill,v/fatpeoplehate, and v/conspiracy . some of the newer stuff is cool like mde. But no, i don't really pay attention to the internal drama and politics. I have been busy the last few months with life stuff so i am seeing new usernames out and about, but no one visits v/kenshi. Granted, no one plays kenshi outside of steam, so a subverse for it is a waste of time.

BigFatDaddy ago

I don't really get involved with the Voat drama either. Its usually just faggots faggoting on each other. But still, I thought everyone who had been on Voat for more than a day and a half heard about u/She. Thats some Book of Voat Genesis shit right there.

naughty_skunk ago

I don’t really keep up with many of the users either. Off the top of my head I can maybe name 2... but this thread is really digging up some ancient memories of mine. I had my own theory that She was actually Ellen Pao at the time

BigFatDaddy ago

Who knows. Its just an idea that popped into my head when I saw OP's title.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

At the time, and still to this day, i am trying to figure how how anita sarkesian managed to not only enter the public lime light for 15 minutes, but also get millions in dollars from canada and the us governments. So far i can not find a legitimate trail for her leaving academia and entering the public light. Apparently her parents were intel assets that were removed from iraq in the 70s. The more i dig, the more i find evidence that they were connected with saddam huessein and the bath party. Then they magically leave the country before he comes to power, back when he was on good terms with the west. Gamergate opened up a looooooot of rabbit holes.

BigFatDaddy ago

Truth be told, I didn't follow gamergate that much. But I know a lot of REALLY weird connections were brought to light between gaming "journalism", big business, and the Intel Community. I don't know many of the details though. I'm just saying that it wouldn't be unrealistic to think that there may be some connection between a major reddit powermod and the first person BTFO foe trying to be a powermod on Voat, especially with everything else were learning about maxwellhill right now.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Fren, this whole God damn thing starts off with "the madam of pedo island who is the daughter of a triple agent spy" It's so insane that nothing is off the table. the thing that bothers me is if it was u/she, then there is a problem, because u/she was a developer, and that would me she worked on code and things here....

BigFatDaddy ago

I didn't know u/she was one of the developers. That would be some crazy shit if it really was maxwell. Although, most of us assume Voat is monitored almost as much as /pol/ anyway so I don't think it would really affect us significantly anyway.

Finsterbaby ago

I know I will get bashed, but what does "CP" in relation to this Maxwell stuff mean? I keep seeing it. Thanks.

Brotherhoodlum ago

Child porn

Blacksmith21 ago

Child P*rn

Literally-Oppressed ago

Is it weird that I don't even want to read that?

Aasb ago

No. Plus it's wicked and misleading. When you hear the term porn, the idea in your head is two consensual adults being on video.

When you add child to it, you indirectly suggest it to be consensual on a subconscious level. When you read a news article using that term, it softens the harshness of that hell that it really is.

Angelis_Solaris ago

"Child abuse videos" is longer but more accurate.

But it's not like regular porn is a moral good either. A lot of it is made using sex slaves acting the part.

Aasb ago

I'm not talking about the moral good or how the industry works, but how the general mind reacts reading those words.

Finsterbaby ago

Got it, thank you.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

cheese pizza

Finsterbaby ago

Thank you

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

it's not cheese pizza lol

Finsterbaby ago

Considering the "pizza" emails, it kind of works. Thanks for relying.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

i think that's probably why cheese pizza started being another codeword for CP tho

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The first word is child, and the 2nd word is ends in graphy.

Finsterbaby ago

Thank you kindly

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Now, the origin of the "mods are asleep meme" allegedly comes from 4chan, where they would say "the mods are asleep, post cheese pizza". and they would post cp in the threads. I suspect that this is the origin of the pizza slang in the pedo culture.

Finsterbaby ago
