kestrel9 ago

We have already seen children seized from homes on behalf of "coronavirus concerns"

Where did you see it (reported)? Please provide some links thanks.

Regarding FEMA and "These are also test runs for the mass abductions of children to FEMA camps. "

source please (please not Alex Jones from 10 years ago.)

This report FEMA hasn't done much: [Where has FEMA been during coronavirus response?

FEMA did not provide one concrete example of what the agency is doing to help.](

Here's what they have been project their role to be thus far:

Trump’s first FEMA administrator, Brock Long, who now leads Hagerty Consulting, and other experts told ABC News that FEMA could take a lead role including:

  • Coordinate the transportation of medical supplies and personnel
  • Construct temporary medical facilities where needed
  • Identify sources for equipment and supplies needed by hospitals that run out
  • Working to ensure that the supplies of food and water are not interrupted as the virus sweeps through large segments of the U.S.

(as of March 20) The senior FEMA official acknowledged that, even as local and state leaders were preparing their residents for the worst last week, FEMA had only then finally embarked on a stress test of its own computer network, which would be highly taxed once Trump ordered FEMA to deploy.

March 22

More recent FEMA actions

California83 ago

Hello New here I am searching for anyone else who was a victim or even acquaintance of Jeffrey Epstein at Interlochen Music Camp in Michigan. Anytime, but particularly early 90s or late 80s. My name is Joy, I auditioned for Interlochen Music Camp in Jr high, as a dancer and singer. After reading all the Epstein news stories, I am trying to make sense of the abuse I went through and who all was involved. I don't think I should name names but I remember my 5 fellows and we were all from Oakland County Michigan, same as Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, who said she was abused by Tom Hanks. I know I am not alone in this. We auditioned ensemble for voice, piano, cello, violin or viola and maybe more. And we were recorded. I am looking so hard to find those other Jr high or other students I auditioned with, question, as I sure some or all of you remember what happened. Please contact me so we can put this puzzle together and even press charges. Please contact me even if you do not want to press charges. I hope you have healed and I want to be in this together for justice. I am no longer in Michigan but hope to connect with the others from ensemble and audition.

Vindicator ago

@PizzaGates, I thought we banned you for attempted doxxing. Shame on you for showing your face here again and trying to rehab this sockpuppet.

Thanks for your research. This is a good final contribution. Happy Memorial Day.

Joe10jo ago

yes, great find OP.

3141592653 ago

Very interesting. Good find