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Vindicator ago

Oh look @PGIsStupid32 got let out of jail due to corona virus! I was wondering when that would happen.

While you were locked up, you missed the part where Tony Podesta lost his marriage and his lobbying firm, was taken down and its CEO prosecuted, Jeffery Epstein was re-arrested and then the entire world enlightened about elite pedo blackmail when he #DidntKillHimself, all of his associates came under public scrutiny, Harvard, MIT and others were forced to give up money they received from him, Planned Parenthood's baby organ harvesting was exposed and defunded, NXIVM's sex trafficking cult was busted up and its leaders jailed, John of God's rape and baby farming cult was shredded, becoming an albatross to Oprah, Harvey Weinstein was sent to prison pushing a walker, Microsoft was forced to pull an ad featuring Satanic doyen Abramovic, numerous Catholic dioceses came under RICO investigations, the Boy Scouts of America had to file for bankruptcy due to lawsuits against pedos, and in the past two months, this board has added almost 1,000 new subscribers as our documentation of these assholes' history and connections gets shared and reshared every time a new event hits the news.

Sure. We've just been wasting our time here. LMAO

Currently, Alefantis' shitty restaurant is closed for the foreseeable future, along with his shitty museums, too by the way.

Better hide your CP really, really well this time. We give extremely thorough colonoscopies.

MercurysBall2 ago

I suspect that OP is here because of this post

Vindicator ago

You think? I tend to think he's just a pedo obsessed with his own tiny impotent dick. But, perhaps he's paid to be here to distract from specific topics.

MercurysBall2 ago

Yeah, that too. Lol.