darkknight111 ago

Hey Robert, I hear you cried like a bitch from the random “whirlwind attacks” and voice mail death threats you received after you taking kiddie creep shots got out to the public.

We leaked that info to the public after tipping off Augusta PD.

MercurysBall2 ago

Upvoated for the entertainment value.

Q: Are there tunnels in Coachella Valley? Asking for a friend.

darkknight111 ago

Hey pedo pig, why don’t you post that Romanian ID card of yours...with the complete card uncovered. So we can see if its not a total forgery.

Or that pizza parlor you allegedly went through.

ababcb ago

YoungAndTheGuest ago

What brought this creature back from under a rock after so long? Why is the submission not scrutinized?

Was it the mention of The Young and the Guest events in DC?

There are multiple cities with similar events and “markers” visible to those in the know. DC is one. What is the Washington monument?

Vindicator ago

You dumbass. He got let out of lockup due to corona virus. We were expecting him. And I'm sure he'll be going back shortly, because he's obsessed, just like you, and has a very, very low IQ.

PGIsStupid38 ago


MercurysBall2 ago


FantomasSF ago

Like it’s our fault law enforcement hasn’t followed up accordingly. Btw I bet your all over TickTock by the undertones in your post.

PGIsStupid37 ago

Like it’s our fault law enforcement hasn’t followed up accordingly.

It's your fault that you abandoned common sense and basic critical thinking skills, and adopted an irrational pattern of thinking that allowed you to be duped into something as ridiculous as the pizzagate conspiracy theory was.

The police did followed up accordingly. They became aware of the pizzagate conspiracy theory, and obviously, they labeled it as a fictitious conspiracy theory, which was an obvious thing for anyone with basic common sense, that doesn't suffer from the irrational conspiracy thinking virus. Ex:






Buying into something like the pizzagate conspiracy theory implies a total detachment from common sense and basic critical thinking skills.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Btw I bet your all over TickTock

As usual, a pizzagater is wrong. Don't worry, being wrong is the pizzagater's bread and butter.

FantomasSF ago

So much to say and so little substance or relevance to it. Keep shillin out bud horrible look..

Vindicator ago

Oh look @PGIsStupid32 got let out of jail due to corona virus! I was wondering when that would happen.

While you were locked up, you missed the part where Tony Podesta lost his marriage and his lobbying firm, Backpage.com was taken down and its CEO prosecuted, Jeffery Epstein was re-arrested and then the entire world enlightened about elite pedo blackmail when he #DidntKillHimself, all of his associates came under public scrutiny, Harvard, MIT and others were forced to give up money they received from him, Planned Parenthood's baby organ harvesting was exposed and defunded, NXIVM's sex trafficking cult was busted up and its leaders jailed, John of God's rape and baby farming cult was shredded, becoming an albatross to Oprah, Harvey Weinstein was sent to prison pushing a walker, Microsoft was forced to pull an ad featuring Satanic doyen Abramovic, numerous Catholic dioceses came under RICO investigations, the Boy Scouts of America had to file for bankruptcy due to lawsuits against pedos, and in the past two months, this board has added almost 1,000 new subscribers as our documentation of these assholes' history and connections gets shared and reshared every time a new event hits the news.

Sure. We've just been wasting our time here. LMAO

Currently, Alefantis' shitty restaurant is closed for the foreseeable future, along with his shitty museums, too by the way.

Better hide your CP really, really well this time. We give extremely thorough colonoscopies.

MercurysBall2 ago

I suspect that OP is here because of this post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3779283

Vindicator ago

You think? I tend to think he's just a pedo obsessed with his own tiny impotent dick. But, perhaps he's paid to be here to distract from specific topics.

MercurysBall2 ago

Yeah, that too. Lol.

MolochHunter ago

lulz @PGIsStupid30 REKT

PGIsRretardedAF2 ago

Hey let me know when those public hangings and high level arrests are happening =))


darkknight111 ago

Tick tock. Suck our cocks pedo.

think- ago

Oh look @PGIsStupid32 got let out of jail due to corona virus! I was wondering when that would happen.


NXIVMofPythias ago

Is NXIVM connected with the Knights of Pythias?

Are NXIVM and Knights of Pythias connected with the Boy Scouts?

Are NXVIM, Knights of Pythias, and the Boy Scouts connected with Scientology?

Are NXIVM, Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts and Scientology connected with FLDS?

Are NXVIM, Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts, Scientology and FLDS connected with the Knights of Malta?

Are NXIVM, Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts, Scientology, FLDS and Knights of Malta connected with Unitarianism?

Are NXIVM, Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts, Scientology, FLDS, Knights of Malta and Unitarianism connected with Brazil and John of God?

Are NXIVM, Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts, Scientology, FLDS, Knights of Malta, Unitarianism, Brazil / Fortaleza and John of God connected with NASA?

Are NXIVM, Knights of Pythias, Boy Scouts, Scientology, FLDS, Knights of Malta, Unitarianism, Brazil / Fortaleza and John of God, and NASA connected with Oprah, Weinstein, Weiner, Schumer, Byrd, Clintons, Podestas, Emanuels, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Tom DeLonge, Peter Lavenda, Jack Parsons, Anton Lavey, L Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley, Marina Abramovic, Bill Gates and Jeff Epstein?

What connects all of these together?

Racine, Wisconsin and the “17” Goals of Sustainable Development that are the Foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030.

Why did Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine?

Why was Paul Ryan involved in the Tarmac meeting and why did he resign after The Deal was made?

What is the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing?

@ababcb has found The Truth. What is the Global “ROOT” and model for the Agenda?

PGIsStupid36 ago

While you were locked up

I can see your critical thinking skills and relationship with reality has not improved at all during these 4 years. That's a shame, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Tony Podesta lost his marriage and his lobbying firm, Backpage.com was taken down and its CEO prosecuted...

Excuse me, you spelled "obviously no arrests were gonna happen based on a fictitious conspiracy theory" the wrong way :))

Sure. We've just been wasting our time here. LMAO

Obviously you did waste your time, since nothing materialized out of the pizzagate conspiracy theory, or nothing useful at all for that matter from the continuous irrational nonsense posted on this forum.

TICK TOCK Podesta =))

darkknight111 ago

I hear your close friend Robert is getting the Goosh Goosh treatment in jail.

You mad we got him arrested?

NotTodaySatan6826 ago

Learn how to shill you fucking kike. I could smell the jew on you one sentence in 🖕🏻🤣

PGIsStupid35 ago

I could smell the jew on you

Well as usual you're wrong.

NotTodaySatan6826 ago

Golem...jew... all the same to me. If you kiss the Zionist ring, you’re a faggot.

PGIssRetardedAF2 ago

If you kiss the Zionist ring, you’re a faggot.

And If you talk nonsense like this, you're a delusional conspiracy theorist.

NotTodaySatan6826 ago

What part of that was nonsensical to you? Your failure to understand basic English doesn’t make me delusional it makes you an idiot

darkknight111 ago

@argosiv time to show him “those” pictures.

PGIsStupid27 ago

The pictures of Hillary, Podesta, Alefantis and CPP staff arrested for being part of a satanic child sex ring? Oops, that never happened :))

I see you're still wasting time talking insane nonsense on this forum. Don't worry, eventually you'll move on with your life.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Shill harder noob. You couldn't even be bothered to sign into a better sock lol. Why are you defending these people? Maybe you have skin in the game? Will we see your face on our TV?

PGIsStupid30 ago

Why are you defending these people?

Why are you straw man-ing my position? Same irrational responses since 4 years ago.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Citing a lack of evidence as proof is a position? It's only a strawman if there is a topic to divert from in the first place, you have nothing. Sure is getting Shilly in here, someone turn up the heat.

PGIsStupid26 ago

Citing a lack of evidence as proof is a position?

Didn't do that

It's only a strawman if there is a topic to divert from

Accusing me of defending people because I pointed out that pizzagate was a ridiculous conspiracy theory and none of the things that pizzagaters were certain was gonna happen, actually happened, is a strawman. My intent was not to defend anyone.

you have nothing

Like the pizzagaters who were certain that the pizzagate arrests were gonna happen do? :))

someone turn up the heat

The heat of what? Being extremely irrational? Talking nonsense while reality goes on independent of your delusions? :))

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Jesus could you be anymore blatant, do they teach all of you to type the same way or is it just one person? Anyone that can say that pizzagate is fake post Epstein is most likely a member of their club and scared shitless. This will be the last response you get, so enjoy the $0.75 you made off my replies.

PGIsStupid25 ago

so enjoy the $0.75 you made off my replies

Assuming accusations that are unfalsifiable, not backed by evidence and taking them as fact is the bread and butter of an insane conspiracy theorist. With this "super power" on your hands, you can believe just about anything you want that fits your narrative. The sky is the limit.

If you were constrained by things like the need of evidence, falsifiability and common sense, you couldn't be an insane conspiracy theorist and situate yourself at the opposite side of reality at just about anything.

So enjoy your $0.1 you made off my replies, since imagining unfalsifiable accusations and taking them as fact is ok with you.

Vindicator ago

Lotta words and all you got for it was downvotes. You must be truly starved for attention after lockup. Did you know pedophiles are several IQ points lower that the average male? Probably not...fish in water and all that. Cheers though. You're a slave to your vices, which will eat your soul away until there is nothing left but a gibbering, slavering echo of your formerly proud perversions. Sad, but probably inevitable. It only pains me because Christ suffered in vain for you.

eGregoire ago

lol op is a faggot

darkknight111 ago

He’s also using alts to upvoat his own posts and CCP farm.

PGIsStupid29 ago

Hey look, an insult that doesn't change the fact that pizzagate was a ridiculous conspiracy and therefore nothing materialized out of it. :))

capnflummox ago

You made this account just to post this 3 years later???

PGIsStupid32 ago

Obviously not. I made multiple accounts back then when I was active here since I was constantly being banned.

capnflummox ago

Obviously not. I made multiple accounts back then when I was active here since I was constantly being banned.

You are a kike.

PGIsStupid28 ago

Unfortunately, your insult doesn't change the fact that pizzagate was a ridiculous conspiracy and therefore nothing materialized out of it.

capnflummox ago

I changed the topic, try to stay with it.

My comment does change your credibility. You're not allowed to make any judgements anymore.

Go log into another one of your accounts... on reddit.

Vindicator ago

PG Retard doesn't understand Voat. He doesn't realize that his comments in v/pizzagate show up on v/all, exposing him to the full gamut of goat review. LMFAO

BTW, this guy is an actual sex offender and Hillary fan who has spammed this board since 2016 -- when he wasn't locked up after we told his local law enforcement where he was hiding his CP.