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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @manyx.

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argosciv ago

^ 3.3 year sleeper account; sockpuppet (profile, submissions, comments) (not you, SVB) trying to legitimize the Racine narrative.

@gamepwn, you can now see sockpuppets playing both sides using flattery, gaslighting and reverse psychology in order to suck you in. Note that the same people have threatened me (in the exact same manner via anon pings, and also directly when ES used his rarepeeks altwhich he tried super hard to pretend wasn't him (notice that this exchange occurred in a submission by @Crensch about the subversive accusations of moderators such as himself, srayzie and @Vindicator being complicit in Jenny Moore's death and an alleged cover up of the garbage Racine narrative in question), and even used it to promote his ES account – to threaten me in PM) for speaking out against their many narratives and also 'threatened' you for taking them seriously. That inconsistency, and the underlying patterns, speaks volumes as to how fraudulent and subversive/manipulative they are.

manyx ago

@gamepwn this guy used the same tactic on me to stop spreading awareness about Racine, even used the same words, you can check my thread. What normal person would go scanning posts about Racine and trying to cover it up of not a shill. A lazy shill even, uses same copy pasted lines. Bad shill, bad.

ababcb ago

He attacked all of my threads about Racine too. Never shows up to comment in any other threads I make.