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NancysDentures ago

These comments are bullshit. If u can’t call this crazy shit out here, where can u? Look at bill smith. He was best and most authentic YouTube researcher and he stopped bc he struck a cord w the Tom hanks shit and knew he was gonna end up off a bridge on Route 66. THIS KIND OF SHIT GOT US WHERE WE ARE NOW. Acknowledging and calling out local corruption is only way to gain to put this country back in the hands of the people. Starts locally and it is our responsibility you fucking scumbag niggers.

And dude, u really need to explain yourself out of the gate and put the links to prove the shit after each point. This didn’t exactly captivate anyone. U sound emotional which turns people off. I didn’t even click the links bc I like to read first, then decide if I give a fuck enough to source. Write a better story. And be safe. I actually believe you and it sounds like ur fucked. God bless.

gamepwn ago

Nice sock puppet not used in months. Do better Kevdude, fucking piece of shit.