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argosciv ago

Thank you Kev for focusing me on my new research target. Maybe Trust the Truth, Jem777, and Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt really were on to something. Jenny Moore ended up dead. Trust the Truth said Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt was a team of people and they ended up dead too.

No, gamepwn, they're not trying to scare you into not looking at Racine. They're using reverse psychology to enforce the narrative and make you think it's a legitimate line of inquiry so that you do then get wrapped up in focusing on it and thus become their next cheerleader.

They've tried recruiting many people over the course of the last few years and they run all sorts of manipulations and gaslighting to do it or to attack anyone who questions their antics or walks away from their narrative after being roped in. They're currently running several sockpuppet accounts in here as of recently, also, in an attempt to revive the narrative after months of spamming garbage from TTT + alts and several others larping as TTT (yes, that's right, they larp as a larp – the original TTT doesn't swear but just the other day in v/GreatAwakening a sockpuppet account posted meandering garbage, berating @MolochHunter, just like TTT but filled with swear words contrary to the established behavior pattern).

Crensch ago

@gamepwn I agree with the above assessment.

You could be onto something, but that subject has SHILLS written all over it as a general rule.

And they're getting more and more overt with their manipulations.

argosciv ago

And they're getting more and more overt with their manipulations.

Right? Their desperation over the last week or so is palpable.

WhatIsProjection ago

What is Projection?

Why are they coddling @gamepwn when clearly they Hate The Truth and have banned and censored anything about Racine?

How do they use banning to control users, and then attack any new accounts with a false metric of “points” and “dates created”?

Who censors, bans and deletes submissions and comments from here and Great Awakening, and lied about it saying that they were “self-deleted” when the proof under Removed Comments shows clearly that Crensch deleted them?

Why does Vindicator use Santa / Satan as their twitter image about making lists?

Why did Crensch issue death threats against those who Know The Truth?

Who is really desperate to Hide The Truth?

Argosciv - will you publicly Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the True Son of God and the Only Way to Heaven?

Why not?

QIsNotJesus ago

The accounts are due to the censorship and banning through lies and manipulation by coward moderators and their Army.

There is not one person, nor one account. There is no request for Likes nor Subscribers nor Payments nor Merchandise sales. Anyone can share The Truth as long as they do so with Pure Intentions.

The only goal is to Save All Souls and Humanity from Eternal Enslavement. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

The Truth can be shared with All.

Look at how Argosciv obfuscated The Truth about Racine is a long series of nonsense submissions long ago.

Look at SoberSecondThought’s series about Racine full of lies that culminated in death threats that were carried out in real life.

Argosciv is an admitted Satan worshipper who drinks blood. The moderators are lying to everyone claiming The Truth is a bot.

The recent swearing was because Q and Trump are leading people Into a deadly trap through lies and inaction. This is EVIL.

They too can Repent and Share The Truth with the world. They have the backing of the military to protect them. They know about Racine.

Innocent people are dying and The World is on the brink of collapse. Everyone is being deceived on all sides as The Agenda moves forward.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are not here to turn the other cheek.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.