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Vindicator ago

@ababcb, you appear to be conflating a Helen Miller from Los Angeles with a Helen Miller from the midwest, without any evidence showing these are the same person. They appear to be distant from each other in time as well as space. We need linked support for them being the same person, to satisfy Rule 2. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit. Thanks.

ababcb ago

I have edited the post to clarify that it may not be the same Miller. However this thread is about Donald Graeff being related to Keith Raneire, not Helen Miller. The evidence that Graeff may be related to Raniere is pretty well laid out in the OP, but I'll summarize it here because I understand that sometimes it's hard to sort through lots of text.

1) The surname Raneir and Graeff both mean the same thing in a different tense. Ranier means "counsel" and Graeff means "head of a town council".

2) The uncle of one of the Governors General of the Dutch East Indies, Andries Cornelis Dirk de Graeff, is named Gijsbert Carel Rutger Reinier de Graeff, which is strikingly similar to the name Keithe Raneire.

3) Keithe Raneire attended a Waldorf school growing up, and both Andries Cornelis Dirk de Graeff and Astor Waldorf attended the same League of Nations Ordinary Session of the Assembly in 1931.

4) Keith Raniere was a slaver and the Dutch East India Company, run by a De Graeff with an uncle with "Reineir" in his name, has been a central part of the slave trade for centuries.

5) Both Graeff and Raniere branded young women with their initials.

Once again, I updated the thread to clarify that the Helen Miller who was branded on her butt by Donald Graeff may not actually be the same Helen Miller as "The Witch", despite the fact that The Witch was connected to NXIVM via Danielle Roberts, the doctor who branded women with Raneires initials. How do I edit the thread title? Or can only mods do that? Sorry if it was not clear that the topic was really about Donald Graeff, but I think my edits clear that up. Why don't you give the thread a "help dig" flair? That would be pretty useful, don't you think?

Vindicator ago

Thank you for clarifying your submission, ababcb. Headlines are editable for 10 minutes after submission, and then they become permanent. Only the OP has the ability to edit submissions (mods/O's have no access to this).

The problem is, if the two Helen Millers are not the same, we don't really have a connection here to the abuse of kids by the global elite, since you've given no evidence the Graeff from the 1940s had anything to do with hurting kids. This is very very speculative at this point, without a direct connection to pizzagate, and will need to be reposted in v/pizzagatewhatever if no connection can be found. I will leave it up for the full 24 Hours from my original comment, though, so that folks can help dig up connections.

I would recommend using one of the background check services to document everyone's family tree that can be found here. Those often list the names of relatives. Then you can search obituaries for the deaths of relatives in the particular towns to confirm if there is a relation. There is a LOT of ancestry information online now.

ababcb ago

you've given no evidence the Graeff from the 1940s had anything to do with hurting kids.

I'm sorry, I don't follow your logic here. Branding women in the exact same style and manner as Keith Raneire automatically creates a very strong connection between Raneire and Graeff. I cannot think of a single other person in the world who has branded their initials on women, except for Raneire and Graeff, whose last names have the same translation. Obviously, if there is a connection to Raneire, there's a connection to the abuse of kids.

Vindicator ago

According to what you linked, the 1940s guy carved his initials. NXIVM guy burned his initials, so no, they are not "in the exact same manner". And I am sure there have been many sociopaths who have left their mark on their victims, either by cutting or branding or tattooing. Those sickos always have some kind of "signature".

Raneire and Graeff, whose last names have the same translation. Obviously, if there is a connection to Raneire, there's a connection to the abuse of kids.

Although I'm unable to find much on the surnames Reineir or Raneire

These two statements cancel each other out. I WAS able to find information on Raniere without even trying hard.

About the Raniere surname

In North America the Raniere Surname is of Italian and french Origin deriving from the Italian name Ranieri and the French-Canadian name Raniére, it was used by Italian-Canadian Immigrants in the start and the middle of the 20th century to avoid discrimination by local authorities and avoid mafia stereotypes. Although it may not be the case in other places of the world.

So Raniere is not a Dutch name, but an Italian Canadian one.

They don't translate quite the same, either. It's an italicized version of the Norse name Ragnar, which means "warrior" or "war counselor" -- not the same thing at all as "head of the town counsel" or "count" or "magistrate", the meaning of Graeff.

You're stringing a bunch of things together in a manner the evidence doesn't support.

Also, even if there was no connection between Donald Graeff and the abuse of children, there is definitely a connection between the elite De Graeff family and centuries of abuse and enslavement of children through the Dutch East India Company

But your submission is not about the De Graeff family and the Dutch East India Company. You've provided no evidence that Donald Graeff is actually a descendent of that family. Just pure speculation, based on a similar name.

I'm sorry. This is just purely speculative and belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever until you can actually connect Graeff to the de Graeff slavers.

I have to remove this, per Rules 1 and 2. Please see your DMs. I've sent the source text to you so you don't lose your formatting. Please DO repost in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thank you.

ababcb ago

I am responding to this for anyone who may come across this thread or the screenshot of it in the future

If you read my post I never said Raniere was Dutch, I said Graeff was Dutch, but more importantly the translation you gave for Raniere is basically the same translation I provided for Ranier and Reinier, which was

The origins of the name Rainier are with the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name is derived from the baptismal name Rainer, which was taken from the Old Germanic name Raginhari which means counsel and army. You can see that in the link I provided:

They have the same root in Ragnar/Raginhari, your example is simply translated from French whereas mine is translated from Anglo Saxon, but they are the same word.

Also, town council and war council are not mutually exclusive roles and have often overlapped historically. The De Graeffs are a good example of this, as their history is full of not only the leaders of town councils, but also the leaders o armies and naval armadas dating back to their very founding. If you check the link I provided for Graef it says

They became prominent in local affairs and branched into many houses which played important roles in savage tribal and national conflicts, each group seeking power and status in an ever changing territorial profile.

Using 'war counselor' to describe the De Graeffs makes perfect sense. See the colonel Gijsbert Carel Rutger Reinier de Graeff.

I'm not sure why you don't think there's a link between these two names, unless you overlooked what I just pointed out.

And I am sure there have been many sociopaths who have left their mark on their victims

How many people can you name who branded a teenage girl with their initials? The more important question, though, is how many of those people have last names that translate to the same thing?

According to what you linked, the 1940s guy carved his initials. NXIVM guy burned his initials, so no, they are not "in the exact same manner".

That really just hinges on the semantics of the word "same". What's important, and not deniable, is that Graeffs and Ranieres brands are similar. I would also point out that branding with the modern medical tools Danielle Roberts used on the NXIVM victims would not have been possible in 1947, and that it would make sense for the branding to become more sophisticated as time went on.

Also, you completely ignored the connection between Raneire attending a Waldorf school growing up and the Waldorfs and De Graeffs attended important League of Nations Assemblies together.

If I understand correctly, your reasoning for why this thread doesn't follow the rules is:

1) The teenager kidnapped and branded by Donald Graeff wasn't young enough to qualify as a pizzagate victim.

2) Your personal conclusion that there is no link between the names Raniere and Graeff, which is incorrect as I demonstrated above. The various spellings of Raniere, Ranier, Reiner, etc. have the same root and translate to counsel, war, and war counselor, while Graeff translates to head of a town council and the family was historically influential not only as the heads of town councils, but were also the leaders in numerous armed conflicts from the very earliest point in their history.

3) The similarities between Donald Graeffs brand and Keith Raneires brands are not similar enough to warrant investigation because Ranieres brands were done with modern medical tools while Graeffs brand, performed in 1947, was done with a knife.

If I am missing something here and you want to respond I will update the screenshot with your response included.

Vindicator ago

1) Graeff's victim was 19. Not a minor. That is the biggest problem with this post, and the main reason it belongs in pgwhatever. Not only that, but to be the same Helen Miller as the one associated with teen suicides in the midwest, she would have been in her 50s in the 1980s, and 91 now. Unlikely. This post asserted that a victim in 1947 turned into a perp in the 1980s and afterward. We don't make those assertions here without actual evidence. You then edited your post to abandon that claim, but the headline is still wrong.

2) Regardless of how you translate the surname meanings, the two are different nationalities, so not enough to connect them. Even if they were exactly the same name, you would need to show they were actually related. As I said in my DM to you, there are a lot of Podestas in the world. Most are not pizzagate related. We're not going to witchhunt them based on a shared name without evidence showing an actual connection to abusing minors. That is one of the reasons the subscribers of this subverse voted for the submission rules we have -- to prevent the discrediting of real pizzagate evidence here by loose, baseless accusations of those who are not connected. You provided no evidence Graeff is a descendant of the de Graeff slavers.

3) The "branding" similarity might be evidence these people belong to the same cult, or are possessed by the same demon, or what have you. But that is purely speculative. Should we allow all submissions where a perp marked a victim with his initials like owned livestock? Hitler tattooed everyone sent to camps with an inventory number, including kids. What about them? On the basis of your logic, we'd have to accept every post about every kid who died in a camp. That is an avenue to useless spam, not likely one that is going to help expose the pizzagate blackmail network that controls world affairs, which is the mission of this board. The place for that kind of speculation is v/pizzagatewhatever. It's why we have a speculative board in the first place. Following that clue might lead to documentation of a real connection, such as geneology that relates Graeff to the de Graeff slaver family. But to post on v/pizzagate, you need a documented connection.

ababcb ago

Regardless of how you translate the surname meanings, the two are different nationalities, so not enough to connect them.

It is the same name in a different language.. You appear to be grasping at straws. Not a good look for anyone who is reading this.

she would have been in her 50s in the 1980s, and 91 now. Unlikely. This post asserted that a victim in 1947 turned into a perp in the 1980s and afterward.

Yeah, like Allison Mack was a victim who turned into a perp. Being in her 50's in the 1980's matches the description given of her by eyewitnesses, who described her as a middle aged woman in the 1980's. She was the right age in 1941. No one is claiming she is still a perp because she is most likely dead by this point.

there are a lot of Podestas in the world. Most are not pizzagate related.

Not every single Graeff is a slaver, you're absolutely right. But this one was. lol.

You provided no evidence Graeff is a descendant of the de Graeff slavers.

I provided evidence he was a slaver and had the same last name as the de Graeff slavers, and that his last name translates the exact same as a totally different slaver who also branded women in the same age group..

You really look like you are covering something up. For example, this thread has no link to any elite perpetrators and has no link to real life violence of any sort, against minors or adults, yet it not only stays up, but is actively promoted and given a share flair. Why? Because it clutters the board, wastes peoples time and is not damaging, unlike the information in this thread, which reveals a long term plan by a global network of communist pedophiles. Everyone who reads the archive of this thread can see the double standard here and can make up their own minds about what your motivation is.

To be clear, I am fine with you deleting well researched threads because you are building a record of yourself desperately grasping at straws. It draws attention to "what they don't want you to see" and your conduct here will be used to bolster the claims made in this thread when it's shared elsewhere on the internet. The Streisand effect is real and censorship is a double edged sword.

Should we allow all submissions where a perp marked a victim with his initials like owned livestock?

Yes. Obviously. Branding is extremely rare behavior even as far as pizzagate perpetrators go. The vast majority of pizzagate victims were not branded. If branding were as common as you say, then we would have had more threads about perps doing it, but after more than three years of collective research, we only know of three perps total who did this. Mack, Raneire and now Graeff.

Hitler tattooed everyone sent to camps with an inventory number, including kids. What about them? On the basis of your logic, we'd have to accept every post about every kid who died in a camp.

This is an apples to oranges comparison but I don't see your point regardless. Are you saying the treatment of children in the holocaust is not pizzagate related? Even though it is well documented that the MK Ultra experiments that continue to this day have their roots in Nazi concentration camps and the nazi scientists conscripted into Operation Paperclip in 1947?

such as geneology that relates Graeff to the de Graeff slaver family.

If I went to a geneology site and got documentation that a man named Donald Graeff was related to the de Graeff slaver family would you turn around and say "you can't prove it's the same Donald Graeff"? Hairs can be split ad infinitum, and that looks like the tactic that gets employed every time someone makes a thread that attacks the octopus instead of one of it's tentacles.

If you want to continue building a record of yourself splitting hairs into infinity I will update the archive and screenshot again to include your response.

gamepwn ago

Dude go fuck yourself. I spent hours on that thread and researched all their games. If you can't see pizzagate being pushed in entertainment that's your own dawn fault.

ababcb ago

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with that thread, I'm saying the rules here are not applied equally. The Rockstar Games thread would be removed if the same lame "reasoning" for removing this one was applied. You should consider spending a few hours on this thread, too. Read the OP and then look at the reason the moderator gave for deleting it and ask yourself it it doesn't look like he is desperately grasping at straws for any and every reason to delete this.

gamepwn ago

"Because it clutters the board, wastes peoples time and is not damaging"

To defend your own research you attacked mine. That's called being a complete asshole. You accused me of cluttering the board and wasting peoples time. Your research may or may not be pizzagate related, but that does mean you attack another researcher and accuse them of bullshit. Your fight with Vindicator did not involve my thread or myself and yet you dragged another researcher into it to make a point. That's fucked up.

ababcb ago

Also, if I may explain my comment a little more, my thread was accused by Vindicator of cluttering up the board because he said we can't have threads on every criminal who branded their slave on the pizzagate board because that would clutter up the board (I challenge you to count on more than one hand the amount of people you know of who branded their sex slaves. I can't do it), yet predictive programming threads are allowed to stay up. Imagine if we made a thread on every single movie, game or book with predictive programming in it? By the same logic, wouldn't that clutter up the board? So why are some threads allowed to "clutter up the board" (using Vindicators logic) and others aren't? Looks like they are trying to hide something to me.

ababcb ago

You're right, sorry about that. I don't actually think your research is a waste of time, predictive programming is an important angle in pizzagate. I didn't mean to bring you personally into this, but this board seems to automatically make a post in any threads that I link to and I'm unaware of any way to prevent that. Sorry again for saying negative things about your research.