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plancktonne ago

A Washington Times opinion piece on Gates and The Virus; Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bill Gates uses coronavirus outbreak to blast about 'pile of bodies' 'in corner'

(The Washington Times is owned indirectly by the Unification Church (Moonies) founded by the late Reverend Sun Myung Moon. It allegedly has tight connections to the South Korean CIA, just as our NYT and WaPo have tight connections to our CIA.


Who besides OPRAH has a house in Montecito that could be in this circle?

Aasb ago

We are entering the "New World". Total submission. No critical thinking allowed. Soon there will be no pages such as this. Be ready.

Their goal is an "utopian" new world by the year 2030. Their "messiah" is about to rule the world from his new temple, you know where.

Vindicator ago

You don't say! Well isn't that interesting. Boy things are picking up. I haven't seen Twitter this hot with pizzagate stuff since the Comet fire.

tech-adm ago

Gates' "Event 201" Pandemic exercise took place on October 18 2019, the earliest covid 19 case was detected in China on November 17 2019, weeks before Chinese authorities acknowledged the new virus, almost a month to the day. Source:

Vindicator ago

They're banning accounts talking about this on Twitter.

PizzaGates ago


3141592653 ago

Could this be what coronavirus is a cover-up for? Does Gates have THAT much power? He was behind the 2017 "pandemic exercise" and supposedly predicted this pandemic a couple years ago

MysticMa ago

Yes but their CoNecktion goes deeper... Eugenic's News! ... maybe a Gate's Conspiracy? Or... is it just a "Band of Maniacally sick Fuck's?"

3141592653 ago


ababcb ago

He was also behind Event 201 which simulated for a pandemic just like this only a few months ago. He's also behind ID2020 which is almost certainly the Mark of the Beast.

Taking down Bill Gates' reputation among the masses would be a huge victory for Pizzagate, and for the world.

Vindicator ago

If ID2020 is the "Mark of the Beast," doesn't that imply it won't be taken down?

ababcb ago

Why do you think that is what it implies? Because prophecy says that this will come to pass? If so, you might be right, but I think it's still worth trying.

3141592653 ago

Epsteins butler also said Bill and Melinda Gates spent time with him

Vindicator ago

We should dig that up and link to it. I did not know that. Was that from the Edwards depositions?

3141592653 ago

Here you go: Title Here

PizzaGates ago

original French:

For the rest ? "I have served crowned heads, diplomats, businessmen and politicians" , summarizes Gabriel. And to cite as an example the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Prince Andrew - who according to Gabriel would have stayed several nights on avenue Foch in the absence of Epstein -, as well as the couple Bill and Melinda Gates. We also find the trace of the founder of Microsoft in the Epstein flight register, where it is mentioned that he traveled alone in March 2013. Contacted by franceinfo, one of Bill Gates' spokespersons maintains that "any allusion to a business or personal relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill and Melinda Gates is completely false" .

Gabriel also claims that the cantor of the American ultra-right Steve Bannon ended up in the Paris apartment in Epstein in the fall of 2018. "I was even his driver in Paris," says Gabriel. Contacted on several occasions, his spokesperson replied that the former political adviser to Donald Trump systematically stayed at the Hotel Bristol during his trips to Paris.

flyingcuttlefish ago

see above comment ....