OpakapakaCaca ago

And the royals are always, always connected......

millennial_vulcan ago

NutMeg Sparkles is going to be all over this. Hoping they’ll be a blood diamond or two in it for her. Ugh. She and Ginger will be paid ‘ambassadors’, calling it.

Very interesting read MB2. I never understood the Idris appeal either. Mediocre looks + talent.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Woko and Joko will be the patrons.

rickman2 ago

Elba was a nobody for years. How many world famous black British actors can you think of? If he was that talented why did it take producers years to notice him and make him a star?

MercurysBall2 ago

I knew something was off when his career started taking off. It didn't make sense.

Vindicator ago

This is the dead giveaway on all of them. Look at Madonna! Take away her production crew and she's a pitiful joke.

21yearsofdigging ago

Man,are you right about that.Hope you've seen the fish fry video she made in her bathroom.Lots to say about her but I will refrain from that right now

millennial_vulcan ago

Oh no, please share now!

millennial_vulcan ago

Thanks Vindi. LOL. Ive seen those. What I meant was I wanted @21yearsofdigging to share this part: “Lots to say about her but I will refrain from that right now.”

3141592653 ago

Interesting connections