mrchristopher ago

I grew up in West Des Moines Iowa, and Johnny Gosch is nearly one (1) year my senior.

I didn't have a morning paper route, but I quit my gig delivering some shopper rag on Wednesdays after he got snatched.

plancktonne ago

From the Original Post above: "He said Larry King (not the talk show host) could go to this base without ever getting checked or having to stop. He also claims that the daycare that Larry King was getting kids from found out what was going on and boarded up the doors. Someone (King or Aquino, I can't tell) tried to get the daycare to open it's doors but nobody, not the sheriff, state patrol or anyone wanted to do anything about it, so he called Reagan directly and the doors were opened within 20 minutes."

Exact same MO as Sir Jimmy Savile in England, who had unlimited access to a (mental?) hospital and its patients. Sir Jimmy also had unlimited access to Buckingham Palace where he'd "pop in unannounced" for a quick visit with Prince Charlie or Her Majesty.

TheTruthKnows ago

Prince Charles is the “Sustainable Prince”, and both he and Aquino know why Racine is the Root of all Evil and model for the real Agenda.

Trump is a member of the Pilgrims Society connected to global mafia and first two corporate nations (British and Dutch trading).

The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.

Why was QAnon created?

What is The Parousia?

MAGAAyaBish ago

I am most interested in your post.. can you explain further?

ababcb ago

carmencita ago

Warren Buffet. Well well. Me Clean. Haha. He’s got people scrubbing like crazy for him One such item was on Democratic Underground. Said he and Lawrence King were married in a private ceremony. Also King worked with Susan B at the Savings & Loan. @millennial_vulcan you and I have been waiting for this guy to be exposed. @think-

millennial_vulcan ago

We certainly have dear Carm. So many things that we called out years ago are finally happening - I pray that the big one hits soon too X #RIPHeather @darkknight111

carmencita ago

Oh so good to hear from you. I pinged you not expecting to get answer. Sure miss you. These are trying times indeed. We all wish SS and those involved get outed. I can’t even imagine the results.

Oprah is getting roasted on Twitter.

A gift for sure.

Yes to please get justice for Heather and Judith 🙏

millennial_vulcan ago

I sure miss you! So insane right now. Had to come visit Voat! So unbelievable to see all the names we’ve talked about for years finally start to go mainstre@m! H and J next, I feel it. What a gift.

Oprah. She’s definitely been arrested right? LMAO, her dumb tweet incriminating herself further by avoiding the question. They still think we are all dumb sheeple, huh? X

Joe10jo ago

I wish we could find out once and for all what became of Johnny Gosch. I’ve heard all the theories but what I want is. definitive answer.

carmencita ago

Wish I could tell you. I have a feeling the only one that knows is one of the elites. WB might be a good guess. He has been scrubbing everything about himself for decades. WTH is he hiding?

beefartist ago

Warren Buffet is super rich because of his skills and insight ; just like Oprah :)

1westwardheart ago

There was an article I read today that claims he's at the head of the cartels through deals he cut.

carmencita ago

We’re not concerned about the money. It’s the Children. What are they hiding we all want to know. Oprah was outed big time the other day. She played innocent. But it’s not going away. I hope he gets his day before he dies.

fogdryer ago

who outed her

carmencita ago

No one famous. It was on Twitter. Amazing. They posted pics of a boy. Just wild stuff. I think it was in a post. Been looking at too many lol

millennial_vulcan ago

Always and only ever here for the sweet innocent children. Peace upon their souls.

carmencita ago

Yes. 🙏

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

With both you @carmencita and @milliennial_vulcan in the same chat string, it's starting to feel like the good old days! So much of the old is coming back around.

Follow the White Rabbit is the biggest surprise of them all. It just went from being a Q-puzzle connecting Alice in Wonderland, the C_A and the Looking Glass. Like overnight it gained a whole other very Bloody meaning.

This movie we are in is Absolutely Riveting.

beefartist ago

The point is that they didn't make it to the top because of talent; they made it because of how much they were willing to debase themselves

carmencita ago

Agree of course. They sold out long time ago. They know what the penalties are.

millennial_vulcan ago

So good to see others call out WB when we had his deal for years x