Bern666 ago

Always slaves at the top who are bound by their own bad behavior~deeds for life.

The ones you trust the most.....

Why? they are cheap and safe....and you pay for them.

Isnt it so?

fogdryer ago

holy moly

fogdryer ago


crownedfive ago

i'm struggling to find a logical explanation as to why she posted this video, why she has that picture, etc...

epiphanot3 ago

it's not a real kid but one of those life size silicone dolls. still creepy as fuck.

all of those creepy ass dolls and figures that have been associated with PG and keep popping up, where are those coming from? happy, pleasant dolls can be made just as easily as creepy depressing dolls. i wonder if some of these dolls aren't intended to house entities and making the dolls look a particular way helps that.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Chinese factories. We need to dig more on the Chinese part of Pizzagate. Wuhan has a lab that produces adrenochrome.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Keep your children away from ((Disney)).

teytin235 ago

to me, he looked dead, or possibly as somebody else mentioned, in a trance. The paint looked ritualistic in nature, akin to what for example australian aboriginal men and boys paint on their body for ceremonial insult or offence meant to their culture

teytin235 ago

also, IIRC, the ceremonial body paint aboriginals wear is supposed to make them visible to spirits. The ceremonies are all about communion with spirits and initiation. The boys wear the paint on their body during their initiation ceremonies. Pederasty was actually widespread among a lot of the tribes and sometimes involved in the initiation ceremonies of boys and young men

rickman2 ago

volunteerwork2020 ago

The artist who made that so called "art" is Jean-Michel Basquiat. He died in 1988.

There's the Haiti connection again.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Also Ellen Degeneres ancestry goes back to Haitian French who fled Haiti during the Revolution.

rickman2 ago

Her parents split when she was a teen and she was molested by her stepfather.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Most of the slave owners were of the ((tribe)) too.

crashing_this_thread ago

I suspect the cutting off of faces of children isn't unique to Hillary. The higher up you get the sicker shit they are into.

And those who participate in it are proud about it. Even revered and admired.

PrincessCinderella ago

Very creepy picture. Some people on QRV said it was a picture of a child sex doll. Still, that is just as creepy!

3141592653 ago

I'm anxious to discover wtf this is all about. The tweet mentions hiding the pics before her son Luca comes home... why? And she also said it was a day of "digging SUPER deep..." I wonder if there is a hidden message in that. This is a random guess, but I wonder if she discovered this photo somewhere and this is the only way she knows to expose it.... so no one can try to destroy the evidence and /or say later that she made it up or that none of this ever happened....

Otto- ago

Any copy of the video?

3141592653 ago

The original vid? No... but you might find it in the comments here. Good luck

gamepwn ago

Video was deleted, people on QRV backed it up.

cryptopancakes ago

She removed it from her IG story. It’s so horrifying. That’s her son and he looks like he’s in a trance from abuse. I think we should all call the cops on her ass. That poor little boy. My heart hurts so much for him. And her little baby daughter! God only knows what they’ve been doing to her kids! Her sister was a Disney actress too. Wouldn’t surprise me if this was a generational thing in their family...ugh!

FingerMcGee ago

Me too, I'm calling the cops now ! Will let you know what they say.

3141592653 ago


Yuke ago

Had a look on the 4chan thread. It doesn't look like a castrated kid to me, it looks like a small shadow, nor does it to some of the guys on there. Definitely weird to have a photo of something like that though.

Otto- ago

Agreed, we all notice it's weird and the kid gives a creepy look in the context of this board. But I could believe it's tan underwear, or even an innocent photo of the mom/kid's paintwork on themselves; I wouldn't judge a parent taking a photo of their own son, the only problem is he looks a little too old for that sort of thing, and not particularly happy about it. Plus she printed it. Never posted it online at least, but added to her collection of family stuff she inadvertantly filmed.

Too much uncertainty for me, plus I have no idea who Hilary Duff is, so won't be calling the cops just yet.

Yuke ago

Oh no, he's definitely naked. You can see his little bits, that's for sure. He's clearly lying on a grey towel on a bed and is being suncreamed but why anyone would take a photo of that and print it out when the child is fully naked is...weird.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for reposting this, gamepwn.

Any possibility that is a doll? The face looks weird.

teytin235 ago

I think that sadly, it looks like a corpse

carmencita ago

Bingo. Yes. A sex doll. Still sick. It needs to be established if real or not yes. It’s still horrid if she has a sex doll in image of her son. I don’t think she would post her son like that on IG unless she wants a visit from LE.

Pizza_invest ago

Pedo swirls on the second video too

derram ago :

Hilary Duff News on Twitter: "📸 @HilaryDuff on Instagram Story: "Guys, I got so many pictures printed out today, Luca comes back home tomorrow so I'm going to have to hide all of these. But, what a successful day of printing and diving SUPER deep..."…"

This has been an automated message.

NotTheMeanest ago

Whoa. Right at the end I took a screenshot... still can’t believe it.