racmo ago

So someone has said that this alleged rescue of a woman overseas where they , according to Trump "did everything to her but kill her is rachel chandler.

kazza64 ago

had a look at chloe sevignys instagram theres a lot of natasha lyonne on there

kazza64 ago

chloe sevigny hangs out with seth green whom we all know was accused by isaac kappy of trafficking children

we_kill_creativity ago

Do you ever consider the "transpocalpyse" angle in all of this? A lot of these "models" are just unattractive, so what's going on here? Most of them aren't very feminine as much as they are androgynous.

Kofiannan ago

Two of these models have transitioned to male, Nathan Westling and Bobbi Menuez. That is obviously very strange. There are a lot of posts as well that are pushing trans acceptance and almost selling it as desirable. I personally do not judge people who choose to identify as something other than they were born. I have too many close to me that I care about that have gone down that route. Of course, I don't understand it and I believe things have been taken to the extreme what with the trans children bullshit, trans-women born male competing in women sport and changing the language to suit the movement. Saying "they" about a person f.e. is just confusing. We use "they" for plural. It bothers me of course to an extent.

All of these people I'm investigating are pushing all of the major nwo order talking points and agendas (global warming, late abortion, gun control, anti-Trump, pedophilia, globalism etc) so I believe this is a part of that of course. However I don't see a particular reason to focus on that part more than the fact that they might be involved in more concrete criminal activity.