rickman2 ago

This guy was into pandas. Remember Cum Panda from Alefantis' instagram? Anyway this guy collected stuffed panda toys. There was even a picture of him giving a panda to a little kid. It made me wonder if that was his calling card and he gave them to children he had selected to build a bond between them.

Another symbol he used was pumpkins. I've seen other pedos use the pumpkin as well. I'm not sure what it means but if you break it into two words it's pump kin. Does this mean to abuse relatives? Is pumpkin used as a sign to tell other pedos that you abuse family members?

He also referred to his computer as a 'pizza oven'. Ovens make pizzas, if pizza means children, is he saying he uses his computer to make child porn?

There was so much revealed from his arrest and its a shame most people have forgotten all this.

Vindicator ago

I know the meaning of the nursery rhyme "Peter, Peter pumpkin eater" is about getting someone pregnant:

Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater

Had a wife and couldn't keep her

Put her in a pumpkin shell

And there he kept her pretty well.

I.e. Wife was stepping out on him until he knocked her up.

Podge512 ago

Ars Technica: Employs child rapist

Kotaku: Promotes animated CP

Polygon: Employs Ben Kuchera who believes rape is funny and child rape isn't morally wrong

It's almost as if there's some sort of link between social justice and paedophilia...

darkknight111 ago

Dr Pizza, pizzagate denier is himself a pedo.

Heisenberg123 ago

And many many more of them ( deniers )