millennial_vulcan ago

Reese is a mess. I’m sure she threw a bunch of $$ at this problem to make it go away fast. Driving around drunk and entitled. Dummy. @carmencita

Ex husband Ryan Philippe has talked about creepy casting sessions when he was a kid actor. He was so good looking when younger, Im sure Bran Snger and our fave, DG were all over that...UGH.

carmencita ago

There’s another one that deserves a noose. DG. Imagine the damage he had caused and ordered.

Didn’t we have a post about Reese and Adam Sandler running around some foreign country where there was trafficking of Children. Racking my brain. Well if I had one 😜

millennial_vulcan ago

DG is at the tippy top isn’t he. He’s the one whose string you pull and it’ll ALL come crashing down. When will that happen, sigh :(

carmencita ago

Let’s not forget R Kelly. I read here in comments he may be funding him.

millennial_vulcan ago

R Kelly knows all the secrets. All those bad boy rappers were passed around growing up. Bobby Brown, Pu$$ Daddy, Usherrr, Chris Brown, now all the new kids, Travis Scott, ASAP Rocky. And of course Bieber who probably wont last another year. So sad, so talented these kids but they had to pay their dues to their handlers.

carmencita ago

I heard Usher raped Bieber. Makes me want to throw up. Bieber’s Dad is a Slime Ball. His Mother doesn’t amount to much either. I remember first seeing him on Letterman. He was always so polite. A Travesty. As I said. They are only a commodity.

millennial_vulcan ago

Youre absolutely right. I’m sure Puff$ watched as he did it. Bieber’s dad needs to get his nuts cut off, white trash POS. sad sad.

carmencita ago

Even talking about this stuff is vile. I hope something explodes so all of this gets exposed. Maybe it will start with Oprah. They were ready to roast her this week. Stay tuned my friend. ♥️

millennial_vulcan ago

I will my friend X Got so sick of talking about the same thing, nothing happening, repetition posts, on and on. Maybe the Great Awakening is finally truly here huh? X

carmencita ago

Well we have had our Awakening some time now. We have to pick up the pace. Twitter was wild a few days ago. Must keep it up.

carmencita ago

Sonny & Cher

NinaSparrow ago

I always thought she had been molested in Man on the moon (or man in the moon, always forget the name) - they had her braless & wet in a lot of scenes & she was super young. But I believe she was more like 14 in that. Uhhh... that evil industry needs to be abolished & Hollywood burned to the ground!! 😩🙏😭

OpakapakaCaca ago

What about Freeway? She was pretty young in that.

qbabygirl ago

She did a movie, Man in the Moon, very early in the 90s. It's on Amazon Prime now. She played a pre-pubescent girl infatuated with an older teen character played by Jason London. Might want to look in to that too.

There was also "Fear" with Mark Whalburg, where in she is fingered on a roller coaster. Also starring Alyssa Milano.

And the worst, "Freeway" where she plays a teen runaway hunted by a pedophilic highway serial killer, played by Kieffer Sutherland (Also starring Brooke Sheilds).

OpakapakaCaca ago

Freeway immediately came to mind for me too.

3141592653 ago

This is so sad/upsetting

Yuke ago

I found this comment from someone from a few years back when searching. It was in response to an article about this very subject regarding Reese. Would need confirmation beyond just someone claiming this though but it certainly ticks a couple of boxes:

cynicat says

October 17, 2017 at 11:15 am

Rene Manzor? Was supposed to direct A Far Off Place (released in 93), but was fired by Disney after 2 weeks due to “creative differences”.

Yuke ago

Now to find out if he did indeed initially work as director on 'A Far Off Place' and get shitcanned after two weeks.

Yuke ago

There's also something about how Honeysuckle Weeks was originally supposed to play the role that Reese ended up playing. Following her leads to an article that says the film in question was originally a Spielberg film. There's a bit of wiki on this but conveniently the link to what looks like an interview with Weeks about this...doesn't work. I'll keep looking.

Yuke ago

Found a little more on that:

"Every weekend from the age of nine she attended the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School and she was just 11 when Steven Spielberg cast her in an adventure film called A Far Off Place and flew her out to Hollywood.

The pair worked closely together until Spielberg dropped out of the project and the new director replaced Weeks with Reese Witherspoon."

The only thing with the Spielberg possibility is that her sister, Perdita Weeks, was in Ready Player One a couple of years ago, and I doubt she'd do that if she knew of anything to do with her sister. But then again, she may not have had anything happen to her, or may not have told her. Who knows. Just throwing this out there though

Yuke ago

I think you could rule out Tennant because he and Reese worked together later on Sweet Home Alabama. I'd be very surprised if she did that having already been abused by him.

drakesdoom2 ago

A Far Off Place, filmed in africa, what laws.

Return to Lonesome Dove, filmed in Montana, age of consent 16.

She put out for her career when she was young and now that she is aging out she is crying.

Shouldn't you be more concerned about all the more skilled actresses that were not whores of kikes?

qbabygirl ago

Don't forget illuminati - saturated "Cruel Intentions".


It looks to me that what the metoo movement wants to impress upon the public is that it never did them any harm in the long run.

Their stories also occupy the areas of peoples' minds that could have been filled with the histories of Shirley Temple and Heather O'Rourke.

carmencita ago

Sadly they were not too kind to her in those tweets.

EricKaliberhall ago

One eyed symbolism.

Reese Witherspoon

Yuke ago

The thing with these shots that people should keep in mind is that the person featured may not be aware at all of what it represents, it may just be the pose that the photographer has asked them to do, and the photographers may be under instruction from editorial teams etc to get these types of shots. You would assume that anyone in Hollywood would know this, but it might not be the case, especially if shots were taken when they were young and new to it all. The reason I say this is because I know of someone whose work has featured this pose and believe me, there's not a hope in hell's chance they're into creepy shit. I think it largely gets copied without any further thought.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I totally agree with this and wish more people thought this way.

Joe10jo ago

That’s what I’ve always wondered... do they know what they’re being asked to do. And I wonder how the photo shoots go... like is their “behind the scenes” talk about the symbolism that’ll be exposed in the shoot, if they discuss things like “well, so and so is a beta sex slave so let’s have her wearing a leopard print, etc...”

lopus ago


Sometimes the photographers tell the "Models" how to move.

Sometimes the photographed people just imitate certain positions or looks, which they have seen somewhere else in popculture. Not everyone with a "one eye"-picture is one of [them]....

PhilKDick ago

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it was some jew

silverwakeskater ago

Age 16 is something else. We fight all the pedo stuff but pre 10 is the crazies for me

raver9876 ago

Rape is rape, always wrong.

darkknight111 ago

In California, the age of consent is 18. Its one of the few things they do right (18 is scientifically correct, or pretty close to correct). Yes, I agree with this age of consent.

carmencita ago

So do I. There’s a reason our Children were pushed to grow up too soon. Much more enticing for pedos.Even though they may look mature their brains are not ready for adult experiences. So easily manipulated. A 17 year old girl pursued by a 35 year old man is not legal for a good reason.

Otto- ago

Supposing silverwakeskater was just talking about severity, and not legality or tolerance of the crime, I think we can all agree that violating pre-10s is a far worse detestation than those aged 16, but of course castrate them both and send them to the gulags.

carmencita ago

I agree. But many pedos think they can skirt the law because Well, she or he is so close to that age. Rape or trying to coerce a Child of any age is illegal and immoral. And a sin.

Otto- ago

More to the point; even if they're adults it's pretty fucking sick.

carmencita ago

Agree. A lot we discuss here is vile.