tech-adm ago

This is huge, Attorney Sidney Powell has confirmed #pizzagate as being real, stating that Wiener's laptop has incriminating evidence on the Clintons. She is in contact with William Barr. First Erik Prince (Blackwater) referred to the laptop - now this. Maybe revealing the contents will finally torpedo Hillary and other Deep State minions.

KillerKap ago

The best part is the context in the Q and A when she brought this up. It was in response to a question from a frustrated participant who was asking why no one is being held accountable...

darkknight111 ago

Remember how leftist shill AreWeSure aka KnightsOfHubris kept denying this shit happened?

Well we just got the confirmation that its real.

Fuck you AreWeSure.

KillerKap ago

Are we sure was misinfo intel community. almost without a doubt

NinaSparrow ago

Yup yup!!! That's exactly what I thought when I heard it too!

Ahh, great minds darlin.. great minds ;)

Lol β™‘

flyingcuttlefish ago

no such thing as calling out Weiner too often!!

Call_Of_Goat ago

Great post

NinaSparrow ago

Thanks love!! β™‘

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting this πŸ‘

NinaSparrow ago

Aww I couldnt get here fast enough to share w u guys!

carmencita ago

AOK You did just fine 😊

NinaSparrow ago

Aww β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘

carmencita ago

No prob.

carmencita ago

This is great news! We all researched the He77 out of this. Including me. I don’t remember her. So this is fresh news. Remember the list laptop scenario and we thought someone in a motorcycle stole it? We have been through He77 & Highwater on this one. God I hope she keeps pushing.

NinaSparrow ago

Shes pretty amazing, isnt she!??

carmencita ago

Greatest news ever!

allonthesameteam ago

It's not old news if it's new to someone. Those who berate folks for "old news" are either suffering from false supremacy, just want to lash out, or are trying to minimize content or posters. Don't buy it for a second.

tokui ago

nothing new.

NinaSparrow ago

Oops my bad.. I'd never seen it before & it was dated March 14th, 2020 so thought it was new. I'd never heard her comment on this.

Vindicator ago

Nina, ignore this guy. He's a pedo. This isn't old news. This is confirmation of what Mike Moore of True Pundit and Michael Flynn Jr. said back in 2016.

I just listened to Powell's entire talk. It's very enlightening about the weaponization of the Justice system. In the original YouTube video, her comments about the Weiner Laptop are at the 56:00 mark during the question and answer portion of the talk at the end.

NinaSparrow ago

@vindicator - Wow, I watched it all. Dang she is one amazing woman!! We are so blessed to have her!! Thanks for the link!! ;)

Vindicator ago

We live in VERY interesting times these days :-)

NinaSparrow ago

Oh yes, that's for damn sure!! πŸ™

NinaSparrow ago

Thank u love! β™‘ I'll def listen to her whole speech!

Wynterwhisper ago

What's important is that she went public with it. Thanks for sharing

NinaSparrow ago

You're welcome. Thank u!! β™‘β™‘β™‘

Wynterwhisper ago

No problem. I know how it can be. :)

tokui ago

I mean, even if she spoke those words recently, she said nothing we haven't already read/known since his arrest.

KillerKap ago

lol. we had nothing but random reports of this... now she is the highest level individual to confirm it. thats the entire point of the newer thread. how are you too stupid to understand how this shit works kek

Shillaxe ago

Some things are just worth repeating , hell, even Talmudic Jews don't fuck kids under 3.